Get Help

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It's simple; I type in the codes, while he fights the guards. Just like old days. Maybe he's forgotten about my problem with Odin's death.

Thor: Listen, we, er...we should talk.

Or not.

Loki: *After typing a set of codes* I disagree. Open communication was never our family's forté.

Thor, following me through the doorway: You have no idea. It's been quite a revelation since we last spoke.

(We pick up the guns either side of us and point them at the citizens in the way.)

Thor: Hello.

Loki: Hi.

(We shoot pink lasers at them then speed around the corner with ouf backs against the wall to dodge their attacks.)

Loki: Odin's brought us together. It's almost poetic that his death should split us apart.

(We continue shooting at them all. As Thor finishes off, I type in the final code to separate us from the previous room and to open the next one.)

Loki: We might as well be strangers now. Two sons of the crown set adrift.

(We rush to the next door. Once I unlock it, a guard storms through, and I hold my arms up and step backwards. Thor jumps in and flips him over. I stand there and watch him, for some reason, float in the air, hit the ceiling, then come down again. I step over him and catch up with Thor.)

We step in a lift, and slowly go up. He eventually speaks.

Thor: Loki, I thought the world of you. I thought we were going to fight side by side forever.

Where is he going with this?

Thor: But in the end, you're you, and I'm me, maybe there's still good in you,

Hmm. Why is he suddenly so...sentimental?

Thor: but let's admit, our paths diverged a long time ago.

He's finally sick of fighting me. Wow. But, that is true...Huh. Maybe... I don't have to worry about Asgard after all. I-I could just stay here. I'll never see him again.

Loki: Yeah. It's probably for the best that we never see each other again.

Thor: It's what you've always wanted. *He pats me on the back*

What shall I say? Surely I haven't always wanted it. It isn't that I'm going to miss him or anything...Is it?

Thor: Hey, let's do 'Get help'!

Loki: What?

Thor: Get help.

Loki: No.

Anything but that. It terrified me as a child.

Thor: Come on, you love it.

You love it.

Loki: I hate it.

Thor: It's great, it works every time.

Loki: It's humiliating.

Thor: Do you have a better plan?

Loki: No.

Thor: We're doing it.

Loki: We are not doing Get Help.

We do it anyway. I close my eyes, and hear the lift doors opening, and Thor shouts;

Thor: Get help! Please! My brother is dying!

I hate this so much, but I'm also trying so hard not to laugh.

Thor: Get help! *He pushes his arm under me, and I know what's about to happen* Help him! *He throws me into a cluster of bodies that must be the guards* 

I'm surprised he can lift and throw my weight. Oh, of course he can.

Thor: Ah, classic.

I rise and walk over to the right side of him. There's something I have to do. I have to stop him from leaving, or something. I need to win that bet between me and that Valkyrie-the Grandmaster will probably give me a nice reward if I hand him and the green fool over. Suddenly, I have a plan.

Loki: I still hate it. *I pull my collar* It's humiliating.

Thor: Not for me it's not. Now which one's the ship you told us to get?

*I point to the Grandmaster's favourite ship*

Loki: The Commodore.

I'm going forward with my plan.

Loki: Though I feel it won't make much of a difference.

I try to hide my guilty, mischievous look, but he sees through it.

Thor: Oh, Loki...

*He turns around, and I make my copy beside him disappear.*

Loki: I know I've betrayed you many times before, but this time, it's truly nothing personal. The reward for your capture *I press the button for the ship* will set me up nicely.

Thor: You were never one for sentiment, were you?


Loki: Easier to let it burn.

*Suddenly he holds up one of the shock device controls and smiles. My face drops*

Thor: I agree.

Why is he smiling? That means it's not for him...but me! -How did he-?! *I turn frantically around to look for the device on me, so I can take it off, but just as I notice it on my back, he presses the button, and I fall to the ground by the electricity. I can't get up, so I just lay there, shaking uncontrollably.*

Great. Just brilliant. That's my plan screwed, and this thing really hurts! And now, I'm beginning to think that this is more humiliating than Get Help. It's no fun when he knows what's going to happen.

Thor: *Walking over and looming over me* Ooh, it's painful. Yeah, Brother...becoming predictable.

Hmm. That's funny, I didn't notice!

Thor: I trust you, you betray me-round and round in circles we go. See, Loki, life is about growth. It's about change. But you seem to just want to stay the same.

Is that meant to make me forgive you?! *He crouches beside me and says;*

Thor: I guess what I'm trying to say'll always be the God of Mischief. But you could be more.

What? Is that what this is all about? So much for 'you're you and I'm me'. Thank you for that speech, you're clearing enjoying it. But can you stop it now?

Thor: I'll just put this over here for you. *He throws the remote over his shoulder*

No! What is he doing?! I can't move!

Thor: Anyway, *He stands up again* err, I've got places to be, so...good luck. *He walks towards the ship that I unlocked*

What?! Thor! You-You can't just leave me here! *He flies off, and leaves me here.* I can't believe he just did that.

Thor shocked me with his hammer when he was little before, but that was different. It was quick, and he would laugh, but now he's just left me...I guess this is payback from all the things I've done.

All that money I could have had! What if the Grandmaster finds me like this? -I'd be dead...What was I thinking?!

Hang on a second, what did Thor mean by 'I agree'? He's not...planning to let Asgard burn and be he? I wager Mother's proud of me for letting this happen.

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