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Loki: I'm not doing Get Help.

It was humiliating the last time. Fun, but humiliating. -Those antlers would impale me!

Thor: *After looking behind him* Asgard's not a place, it's a people.

That sounds like something Father would say. You really are turning into him.

Thor: Loki. This was never about stopping Ragnarok, it was about causing Ragnarok...Surtur's crown-the vault. It's the only way.

Did he just suggest I...destroy Asgard?

Loki: Bold move, Brother. (Pause) Even for me.

*I run towards the smaller ship and set it all up again. The controls are actually really easy.*

I miss being a pilot. But I'm the one to actually make Asgard go up in flames.

Loki: This is madness.

*I fly above Thor, Valkyrie and Hela then decide to land into a small tower beside the vault.*

What harm will it do, really? It's all going to be destroyed anyway.

*I rush down the steps, and grab Surtur's 'crown' (more like a face-mask) then head towards the eternal flame. That is, until I see the Tesseract just sitting there in all its power and glory.*

This is going to be destroyed if I don't take it!

*I turn around anxiously, drop Surtur's crown, then grab it and hide it in my magic invisible bag. I pick the crown back up and put in the eternal flame, with, for some reason, guilt burning in my chest. But I hold my arms out and say the words.*

Loki: With the eternal flame, you are re-born.

*The flame grows bigger, and I stand there watching for a second, then run. Before I get up the steps, however, a fiery hand burns me and picks me up.*

Oh, great.

Surtur: Not so fast, tiny God of Tricks.

I guess I'll die with Asgard. *I close my eyes as Surtur laughs*, then realise...I can teleport!

Loki: Actually...It's the God of Mischief. *I teleport to the bridge, but end up outside of the ship. I board as fast as I can*

I can't fly! My brother's still fighting Hela, if I fly to the ship, Surtur will see me and kill me! I wish I listened to my Mother more on teleporting. *I try again, but land hanging off the edge of the bridge. I see Hela and Surtur to one side, and Thor and Valkyrie in front of me.*

Loki: Brother! Thor! HELP! Valkyrie! THOR!

*They can't hear me, so I try teleporting again, but it doesn't work.*

No! Why now?! I don't want to die! Help!

Loki: THOR! FOR ODIN'S SAKE, BROTHER! HELP! *They ignore me, and get on the escape ship with Hulk* HELP! I'M RIGHT HERE! Ugh. It's no-

*Suddenly my hand slips and I prepare for the other one to fall. It's not like I haven't done this before. When it slips, I fall, and expect to hit water, but I don't. I keep falling, then hit ground. I open my eyes, and notice I must be on the escape ship.*

Yes! I'm alive! Thank Gods. Thank my belated teleportation skills. 

*I go to walk out of the corner, and notice Thor standing there looking in the mirror with a new eyepatch. I walk slowly behind him, and he stops fiddling with his eye, turns around and puts his glass down too.*

Thor: Maybe you're not so bad after all, Brother.

Loki: Maybe not.

Thor: Thank you. If you were actually here, I might even give you a hug.

*He throws a tiny paper flower at me, and I catch it, to prove I'm really here.*

Loki: I'm here.

*We stand there and smile at each other, then step towards each other. I chuckle a bit, but Thor steps closer and gives me a long-earned hug, clutching his arms around me. I hold my arms up and squeeze them onto his back. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who sheds a tear. We stand there for a while, holding each other in our first hug since we were small children. I sigh, then start crying. I hear Thor sniffle too, so we hold each other tighter. He could never really leave me. When we eventually break apart, we look at our wrecked selves and laugh.*

Thor: You alright?

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Thor: You alright?

Loki: Are-Are you? -I never thought you'd eventually hug me.

*We smile, then return to the front of the ship, like nothing happened. Thor sits in a throne like chair, and we stand beside him*

Thor: Where to now? What about Meik? Where do you come from?

Korg: Oh, Meik's dead. Yeah... I accidently stomped on him on the bridge, and I felt guilty so I've been carrying him around all day.

Oh. That's unfortunate.

Korg:*As Meik stirs, then sits up and chitters at him* Oh, Meik, you're alive! He's alive, guys! What was your question again, bro?

Thor: (Ignoring him) Earth it is.

Once everyone moved towards the back, to sleep or to talk about everything, me and Thor were left alone.

Loki: Are you sure it's a good idea for us to go back to Earth?

Thor: Sure! Everyone loves me there, I'm practically a hero.

Are you really that stupid?

Loki: Ok, let me re-phrase that. Are you sure it's a good idea that I go back to Earth?

Thor: I'm sure it's fine.

*When we look out of the window, we see a massive ship shadowing us, and both of our jaws drop.*

Oh no...I recognise that ship. My nightmares have come back to haunt me. Thanos is coming for revenge.

Loki: RagnarokWhere stories live. Discover now