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Loki: Arghhhhhh! 

*I smash through glass and some-sort of concrete and black out. When I wake up, I am in a warm bed, with an outfit hanging on the wall. But, I can't see any escape-no door or window*

This definitely isn't Asgard. Where am I? Do they expect me to wear that? It's a dark blue and yellow jumpsuit. -The colours do go quite well together. Wait-Where are my clothes?! I suppose I'll wear it... Then find a way out of this multi-coloured prison. *After putting the clothes on, and examining the room, someone knocks on the wall. It disappears, and behind it is a short, fat woman with strange white markings on her head. I go to make a run for it*

Run in three...two...Actually. She looks like she shouldn't be messed with...Besides, she might be useful.

Stumpy Mad Woman: The Grandmaster wishes to see you.

At least she speaks English. *I follow her, slightly reluctant. Then I realise something, and pat my pockets; forgetting I'm not wearing my original outfit*

They took my weapons, too...There may be no way to get out of this place.

Loki: Where am I?

Stumpy Calmer Woman: Sakaar.

Sakaar? That's helpful. I've never heard of the place.

Stumpy Calmer Woman: *Gesturing to a wide doorway* The Grandmaster awaits.

And who is this 'Grandmaster'?

*I walk through, with the woman behind*

That must be him. *A tall man with grey pointy hair and a gold cape turns around and blinks at me. Like he can't believe what's he seeing. I notice a blue line on his bottom lip*

The Grandmaster: *Walking towards him* Hello. *Claps* You're up. *Blinks again* (To the woman) He doesn't speak much, does he?

Loki: I speak when I want to.

The Grandmaster: There you go!

Loki: Where am I?!

The Grandmaster: Oh, don't fret! You're only on Sakaar. *I give a blank look* I am the Grandmaster...and here on Sakaar, I lead the Contest of Champions. People fight each other to the death. It's great entertainment.

Loki: -I'm not stupid.

The Grandmaster: Of course you're not.

Loki: I've seen it before...I'm sure I have.

I haven't.

Loki: Am I to take part in the 'Contest of Champions' this time?

Grandmaster: Oh, no, no. You're too...

*I give him a look* Too unworthy? -Sounds familiar.

Topaz: Pretty-faced.


Grandmaster: Exactly! I knew you were my favourite. *He waves his hands at her* Now shoo. Shoo-Shoo!

*The woman leaves abruptly*

Grandmaster: You must be so confused.

Loki: *Sarcastically* Just a bit.

Grandmaster: Ha-ha! I like you! What's your name-where you from?

I can't tell him the truth! -If he's the king of this place, I need him on my side, though...

Loki: I am Loki...of Jotunheim.

Sorry, Mother. I'll make it up to you.

Grandmaster: Jotunheim?! That sounds like an...interesting place.

Loki: Oh, it is.

Grandmaster: Normally, everyone who...washes up here-is abandoned and thrown away from their home-but you...*Pointing at me* you're special.


Grandmaster: I bet you're popular at home.

Yes...Really popular(?!)

Loki: People call me a God, actually.

Grandmaster: Wow! Sho-Should I kneel or something?

Well...Do I have to be modest?

Loki: No need. It's not much compared to 'The Grandmaster'!

Grandmaster: I feel like I'm gonna like you, Loki.

That's a relief. At least someone does. I'm not on everyone's good side at the moment.

Grandmaster: Are you the God of something...or just 'God'?

Yes. Let's tell him I'm the God of Mischief. -That's a great way to earn someone's trust.

Loki: They used to call me the 'God of Mischief', but-

Grandmaster: 'Mischief'? That sounds like fun.

Most of the time.

Loki: But just 'Loki' will serve well.

*We pause for a few minutes awkwardly*

Grandmaster: Do you like your outfit?

I prefer my outfit, but-

Loki: I like it...It's very outlandish. Like I like the rest of...Sakaar.

Grandmaster: Brilliant! You'll fit righ-*Another younger-looking woman with dark skin and white lines on her cheeks jogs towards us*

Young Woman: Grandmaster. There's a-*Seeing me* Who's that?

Grandmaster: Ah, Scrapper 142. This is my new friend; Loki.

Scrapper 142: He the one who crashed into your place the other day? *The Grandmaster nods*

I crashed into his home?!-'the other day'?! How long have I been here?!

Loki: Yes. Sorry about that.

Grandmaster: It's alright, I have slaves who can clear it up for me. Besides, it was like watching an angel fall from the sky. Just less...graceful. 142, you're just the person I was looking for-would you remove Loki's...shocky-thingy for me?


Scrapper 142: *Scowling at me* It will be my pleasure. *I scowl back at her, as she leans towards my neck with a device in hand. She shocks my neck for a second*

Loki: (Quietly) Ouch!

*And comes away with a small black circle in her hand, and her device in the other.*

Scrapper 142: As I was saying...There's a problem at the arena.

Grandmaster: What kinda problem?

Scrapper 142: I'll show you.

Grandmaster: Apologies, Loki. If you'll just wait there. *He follows 'Scrapper 142' to the arena, and I am left alone. Which-believe me-isn't really a good idea*

A great opportunity to look around this place. Maybe I can find my old clothes and daggers back. Then, I'll return here like I've been standing there all along.

*I walk quickly around, noticing there's an elevator, and lots of doors with a keypad next to each of them*

It may be bright and colourful, but there's definitely more to this place than you first see. -The only way I'm going to get back to Asgard is if I get those codes. I get those codes by earning the Grandmaster's trust. *The Grandmaster talks from a distance* Speak of the Devil-That was fast. *I sprint back, just in time. Scrapper 142 sees and scowls at me, but before she can say anything-*

Grandmaster: Ah, Loki! I knew you would obey me. You'll fit in well.

I hope so. *I nod*

Scrapper 142: I'll be leaving now, Grandmaster. *She bows lightly, and leaves, true to her word*

Grandmaster: *Leading my arm* Now, Loki-let us talk.

Loki: RagnarokWhere stories live. Discover now