To Asgard!

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I have to get there somehow. I'm prepared. But how? (Pause) It will be too late when I'm free of this permanent electric shock. *I hear people walking towards me and see a group of aliens and a rocky creature*-A Kronan! That must be the Korg Thor mentioned.

Korg: *Looking up at the massive ship in front of them* There she is. Our ticket out of here.


Korg: Hey, what's this? *He picks up the remote*

By Odin, please press it. Please. *To my sweet relief he presses it, and I groan and look over at him*

Loki: Oh, thank you.

Korg: Hey man. We're about to jump on that ginormous spaceship over there, wanna come?

Yes! I can escape, after all.

Loki: Well, you do seem like you're in desperate need of leadership.

Korg: Why, thank you.

This is, thankfully, such a gullible Kronan.

Korg: Do you know how to fly this ship? I know how to fly it, I'm just asking if you do.

Loki: I'm sure I do.

Korg: Good! Let's go!

*We jump on the ship, and Korg instantly sits in the pilot seat. The inside is almost covered with weapons. I search though them, while Korg's alien friends look too. In the end, I decide to stay with my daggers.*

Korg: Ready to go, Meik? *Meik squeaks and nods*

Loki: If you don't mind, Korg, I'm going to get ready in the back of the ship.

Korg: Of course, man. I'm just gonna fly this ship. I've gotta stop calling you man. Leader, ok?

Loki: Just call me Loki.

Korg: Lo-key? Like sneaky?


Loki: ...Yeah.

*As he starts the ship up and flies out of the hangar, a load of guards run in, and shoot at us. I duck down and rush to the back. There, I find a green cape and helmet almost identical to mine. I pick them up.*

How did these get here? The Grandmaster must have made them for me, basing it off my old outfit. He really did trust me. *I put it on, and return back to the front of the ship.*

Korg: There you are, man. I mean, Loki. Where to?

Loki: The...

Don't say Devil's Anus.

Loki: Go through the big, red one.

Korg: Oh, right. Thanks, Man-i mean-Loki.

Loki: You're very welcome. *I point out of the window* To Asgard!

*When we arrive, I ask Korg if he could open the side-door and let off a bit off smoke. He doesn't ask why, but agrees. I step just on the edge as we float down near the rainbow bridge and hold my arms out wide.*


*Then, as the crowd of Asgardians see me, I step onto the ramp and jump onto the rainbow bridge, pushing through the crowd.*

The only way I can get everyone out of the way is by getting them on that ship.

Loki: Hello! I'm back! Did you miss me? Did you miss me? Everyone! On that ship now!

*Hiemdall walks up to me*

Hiemdall: Welcome home. I saw you coming.

Oh, yes...I forgot about him somehow.

Loki: Of course you did.

*I continue walking, then look up after Thor smiles at me. Hela holds him over the balcony, almost strangling him, and I see her lips move cruelly, but I can't hear her speak. In the meanwhile, I stab some rotten-fleshed guards that attack us on the bridge.*

Ugh, what are these things? Hela's undead Asgardians is what it looks like. 

*A horde of them come running towards us, and I realise we can't fight kill them all on our own. Then...the turn the opposite way, and I see a massive lightning bolt strike the royal tower.*

Haha, Brother. Hela underestimates you., I must admit.

*But then, even more to my surprise, Thor jumps down, lightning surrounding him and eliminates most of the guards. I can't help but smile that he's unlocked this power. He spins around on the bridge and kills another few, then kicks just one, and kills more than five using his lightning. Then I realise.*

I've always been jealous of my parents being proud of him, but now...I'm proud of him myself. Is he...missing an eye?! Ouch. I'm glad our sister got her comeuppance.-who else would have done that?

*I see fireworks out of the corner of my eye, and see the Valkyrie coming to join the party.....In uniform! It's been years since I've seen it.*

How did she find that? I must actually admit...she looks beautiful as a real Valkyrie.

*I slash a guard in the face, just as one tries to decapitate me from behind. I duck, then roll over before taking his knee out with my helmet. When he falls flat, I stab him in the chest, just to make sure, then flip my helmet before standing up and placing it on my head again. Pretty much all of the undead army are dead, so Thor and I walk over to each other. His eye (or what's left of it) looks really painful and horrible.*

Thor: You're late.

Loki: You're missing an eye.

*The Valkyrie (I still don't know her real name) rushes past us, interrupting our chat.*

Valkyrie: This isn't over.

What do you mean? And excuse me, Valkyrie, but we were talking.

*We walk forward, then stop, as we stare at the Goddess of Death at the other end.*

Thor: We should disband the Revengers.

What is that supposed to mean?

Loki: Hit her with a lightning blast!

That seems to always do the trick.

Thor: *Out of breath* I just hit her with the biggest lightning blast in the history of lightning! It did nothing.

Valkyrie: We just need to hold her off until everyone's on board.

Thor: It won't end there. The longer Hela is on Asgard, the more powerful she grows.

Hmm. That's true.

Thor: She'll hunt us down. We need to stop her here and now.

But how?

Valkyrie: So what do we do?

Loki: RagnarokWhere stories live. Discover now