new kid

854 31 22

"Anya, look my the new neighbours are moving in!" my aunt squeals like an excited child.

"Aunty stop being so nosy" I laugh as she peers out of the window to get a good look at the newcomers.

I love my aunt Esmè she's hilarious at times, she behaves like a kid which I guess is the reason why I get along with her so well seeing as I'm 18. She has been waiting for new neighbours for months since the last ones moved out and she seems really excited for some odd reason, well I guess this is where I get my crazy funny side from.

After 2 hours of my aunty watching through the window I suggested that we go and meet them face to face and she cheerily agreed. I slipped on my yellow converse with blue laces, you would definitely be right if you said that I like to stand out from a crowd and put on my surfer necklace. As we're heading off aunty recieves a phone call from her best friend who's yet again had one of her melodramatic emotional break downs and so she motions for me to go ahead of her. I sigh to myself 'I guess I'll be going on my own then', I'm not a fan of going up to random people and making friends just like that, to be honest I hate socialising with anyone except my two friends who I rarely ever hang out with.

I walk up the neighbours drive way and ring their door bell, the house soon explodes with the ringtone of what I go to school for by busted, one of my favourite songs! I open the door to find a girl who looks about my age, she greets me with a wide smile pushing her ginger hair out of her face.

"Hey" she says

"Hi, my aunty's your next door neighbour so she sent me over to meet you guys and say hello"

"Ah cool, erm sorry about the odd doorbell" she laughs.

"Busted fan?" I ask hopefully

"Er yeah you could say that"she smiles

Bit of an odd reply but I'll take it as a yes. "Yay same" I laugh

She smiles to herself " I think we'll get along well"

"I'm Anya by the way" I say realising we haven't actually introduced ourselves.

"Lauren sir" she replys with a comical army salute

I help her to unpack her stuff and put her posters up on her wall seeing a busted one and its signed by all 3 members. "Oh my goat, how did you get a SIGNED poster?" I ask in shock my jaw dropping lower and lower.

"Aha, erm just my luck I guess" she replies with a casual smile

" Just your luck? Just your luck? How are you so casual? I would literally dieeeee for one of these" I say in frustration.

Lauren laughs and shakes her head at my craziness. The she asks " Do you wanna do something then, or go out somewhere?'"

"Hey I know I'll help you get to know the area, your own tour of Bude"

She nods and we both go downstairs to put our shoes on, she's wearing blue converse with yellow laces, the opposite of mine. We look at each others shoes and burst out laughing. Yeah I just know that we're gonna get along like a house on fire.

I take her around and about showing her all the best, interesting and wacky shops and attractionsin the area then we go to the best icecream shop in cornwall, like me Lauren loved the ice cream and the odd flavours like jaffa cake which we both had. Then we go back to her place to watch some films, wild child and mean girls to be precise ha I think I've just gained another friend in my small friendship group. It's 4am and we are still watching movies, I can feel myself drifting off to sleep and so can Lauren so we turn the tv off, she falls asleep with her head in the popcorn bowl and I drift off with my head rested on her shoulder. And we sleep through the rest of the morning peacefully.


Sorry this is quite a bad chapter but I promise it will get better, plz comment, follow and vote! Also I slipped in a mcfly song title so comment what you think it is and if you get it right I will follow you, don't worry it's fairly easy to spot.

That's all for today folks, see you next time!

Byeeeeee Kristina

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