1: The Call

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Life has been chaotic for as long as Hermione could remember. She was currently sitting in her study trying to figure out how to interpret the regulations put in place by the French Ministry of Magic. After graduating from Hogwarts, she and her husband—boyfriend at the time—moved to central London to be closer to their jobs. Hermione became the head of the Department of International Magical Corporation division where she has been working now for around 8 years.

Hermione intensely stared at the piece of parchment in front of her, the lamplight almost burning her eyes from how hard she was concentrating. Work had been so exhausting that she had only now realized that she was rereading the same line of regulations for the past 20 minutes. Hermione stood up straight, attempting to keep herself awake long enough to finish this piece of parchment before heading off to sleep. She lightly slapped the sides of her face, hoping it would help keep her up, "Come on Hermione, just one more page, and then you can go to bed."

She closed her eyes, tried to block everything around her. Hermione looked back down at the parchment and concentrated on the words she was reading, Si, par quelque moyen que ce soit, le ministère français de la Magie avait besoin de fournitures, ces articles seraient gérés par le ministère britannique de la Magie en échange d'une protection contre les risques économiques actuels.

It soon became clear that she was too out of it to actually translate the words on the parchment. Hermione didn't like shortcuts when it came to her work but she was too tired to continue. She remembered a certain spell that could help her translate the words, to help her finish the last piece of parchment. As the words began to spill out of her mouth, she heard a gentle knock on the wooden door. She turned around to see her husband, Draco Malfoy, standing in the doorway with two mugs. His rich smile filled her with joy and a sense of relaxation.

"I thought you might need some coffee," he said, moving across the room towards her. He set the mug down on her desk. Relief flashed over Hermione's face when she saw the coffee.

She picked up the hot mug with two hands, "Thanks Draco, I really needed this." Hermione took a long sip from the cup. As the coffee touched her lips, she melted away, not wanting to finish the work on her desk. All she wanted to do at this moment was finish her drink and go to sleep with Draco by her side.

Draco took a seat on the stool next to her, staring contently as Hermione took another sip of coffee. He loved her excitement over the simple beverage. He was first introduced to it by her during their 7th year at Hogwarts after the war. The two of course became the Head Boy and Girl, meaning they shared a room. Not one room but rather a common room. It was almost like having their own little flat. There was a seating area with a fireplace, a small kitchen, and of course, two bedrooms and a bathroom. Both of them loved the new space they were set to reside in except for the fact they had to share it with one another.

Months of arguing about the even smallest things soon turned into conversations. Those conversations turned into a friendship and from there, a relationship. Though it was a long time before they transitioned into the relationship phase, they both on some level knew that they were meant for each other. All the playful banter back and forth while they planned the Christmas Ball was a sure sign for Draco that Hermione was the one for him.

Hermione's friends, especially Ron, Harry, and Ginny, did not approve of their relationship at first, but soon became civil with each other as they realized he made Hermione happy. She would have to admit it took Ron a little longer than the rest of them to adapt to their newfound relationship. Hermione couldn't blame him though, she and Draco couldn't keep their hands off each other for the first two months of their relationship. While Harry, Ron, and Ginny aren't the best of friends with Draco, being in each other's company wasn't as horrible as their previous six years at Hogwarts.

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