8: Draco

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        "Draco," Hermione spoke in a soft whisper.

        The tall man in her room turned around. His black suit and blonde hair had become familiar to Hermione over the past couple of years. As Draco turned, his grey eyes made contact with hers. She saw the excited expression in his face; one she hadn't seen in a long time. Not saying anything, Draco walked over to her, pulling her in from her back. He leaned down and gave her a kiss. Not just any kiss, but one filled with passion and lust.

        As they pulled apart, Hermione looked back up at him, "I thought you weren't coming until tomorrow."

        "We sealed the deal early. Blaise said he would stay and finish up the busy work. Why? Aren't you happy to see your devilishly handsome husband?" Draco said, giving his very well-known Malfoy smirk.

        The smirk that would have driven her crazy when they were younger. The smirk made her punch him in the face the third year.

        "Of course I am happy to see you! Merlin, I can't stand my family. All the passive-aggressive comments have bee driving me insane!"

        Draco chuckled, "Well I'm pretty tired from traveling and I bet you are tired from your crazy family. How about let's just lay and watch tv. We can check another one of those movies off the list."

        Hermione nodded as Draco went to go pee, again, and change in the bathroom. Since they had gotten together, Draco had been fascinated with all things muggle. Muggle cars, phones, and especially movies. Hermione had made a list back in their 7th year of movies Draco needed to watch if he wanted to understand why muggles love them. The list varied from films such as Star Wars to Love Actually and only grew as Draco discovered new movies by himself.

        Hermione decided to take a quick shower before climbing into bed, needing to get the smell of the ocean off of her. When she came out of the bathroom, Draco was lying in bed shirtless as he usually does when sleeping.

        "How about we watch Friends tonight," Draco asked.

        "What happened to check a movie off the list?" Hermione asked as she made her way over to the bed, lying next to her husband.

        "The hotel doesn't have any movies on our list. Plus, you know we are going to fall asleep."

        "Very true," Hermione leaned her head against Draco's shoulders as he was still significantly taller than her; even when sitting down. The theme music began to play as Hermione and Draco watched, inviting sleep to join them in bed.

        Draco woke up to the sun beating through the curtains in the hotel room. He looked down to see Hermione, sleeping on his chest. Draco smiled to himself. This is what marriage should feel like. Waking up next to your significant other bringing joy to your day. Draco began to slowly remove himself from the bed, wanting to get in a quick shower before Hermione woke up.

        Once reaching the bathroom, Draco turned on the shower, letting it heat up before jumping in. The warm water felt nice against his skin as it dripped down his body. He wished Hermione could join him in the shower. It had been a while since they had been together. Draco didn't know why. He assumed it was because he had been working a lot recently, not being able to see each other that much could drive a couple apart from one another.

        As much as he would like this to be the problem, he had a hunch it wasn't. She had been getting up in the middle of the night to throw up and when she thought Draco wasn't looking, she would clench her stomach in pain. When he would approach her on the subject, she would just say she was on her period. Draco didn't know much about a women's menstrual cycle but he did know it didn't occur for a month straight.

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