BONUS CHAPTER: The Explanation

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Hey guys! So I totally forgot I said that I might do an epilogue/bonus chapter for this story. So after almost a year since I first uploaded this, here is the chapter! -Em

It wasn't long before Hermione returned from her ultrasound with Hannah Longbottom. When she entered the room, she saw Draco asleep on one of the waiting chairs, lost in his dreams. Hermione smiled to herself at his sleeping face. He's going to be a wonderful father, she thought.

Very gently, she tapped Draco awake. His eyes darted open quickly as he scanned the room with anxiety. It didn't take long for him to notice his wife standing over him, his breath relaxing when he later his eyes upon her.

"The ultrasound went well, everything's okay," Hermione told him as he adjusted his position in the chair, wiping his eyes with the collars on his shirt.

"That's wonderful! Did you find out the gender?"

"No, I think we should wait until the day of birth. It will make us even more excited for when he arrives."

Draco gave a warm smile towards his wife as he stood up, wrapping an arm around her waist. "Well, then I guess we should go see the rest of the family. Your parents have been bloody worried about you."

Hermione nodded as the pair walked out of the hospital room and towards the main lobby in St. Mungos. What she saw before she gave her a shock. Never had she seen this many muggles in a wizarding hospital ever.

She spotted her parents, reading the Daily Prophet, Harry talking to Eric, Veronica, and Bethany, and her snotty cousins, staring wide-eyed at every wizard that passed them.

Harry was the first to notice them over Eric's shoulder. "Hermione!" he exclaimed, moving over to engulf her in a hug. "Is everything alright? You haven't been hit with the cruciatus curse since Malfoy Manor."

"I'm fine Harry really," she said, chuckling at his concerns as Bethany, Veronica and Eric came up behind him.

"That was a bloody good fight, Hermione! You really took him down!" Eric said.

"Thanks, Eric. By the way, is Dolohov captured? Did the binding spell work?"

"It worked like a charm," her father said, approaching the group around Hermione. "You're lucky you have such amazing men in your life!"

"I sure am," Hermione replied, turning back to give Draco a smile.

Hermione's gaze was cut short as she heard a voice approaching from behind. "So... You're a witch," Isabelle said, her face white as a ghost, her hands crossed across her chest. "You can do magic with those wretched fingers of yours?"

"Yes I am," Hermione replied with a smile. It wasn't a very nice tone or statement Isabelle had said but it was perhaps the closest thing to a compliment that had ever come out of her mouth. 

Rachel moved forward, "H-How? I mean, you're just know-it-all Hermione! Bucktooth Hermione."

"Oi watch it!" Draco said, holding up his wand.

"Draco seriously!" Hermione said, putting her hand up to shoulder his before turning back to her cousins. "I found out when I was eleven. I'm muggleborn you see. No one in our family is a wizard, just me."

Nathan nodded, "And that friend of yours, he's a wizard too? And your husband?" He pointed a shaky hand towards Draco who only replied with a smirk. The famous Malfoy smirk.

"Yep, everyone I know apart from our family are wizards. It's our community."

"So is that why you went to boarding school?" Mikey asked, "Why you couldn't come to any reunions?"

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