11: The Gala Part 2

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        The house-elf kidnapper stood in the doorway of the ballroom with a face filled with anger.

        "Dolohov," Draco said; a sneer across his face, "I thought we got rid of you a long time ago."

        "I'm afraid not. Look at you Draco. Your father would be so disappointed," said Dolohov.

        "Good. That bastard doesn't deserve to be happy. Now, why don't you make things easier and hand yourself over before things get messy."

        Dolohov laughed taking a step forward. All of the Granger family inched backward in fear of what might happen. "You couldn't catch me if you tried."

        Draco looked over at Harry with raised eyebrows. Harry said, "Then I guess we'll do this the hard way. Expelliarmus!"

        Red light shot out of his wand but it didn't take but the effort for Dolohov to block it. Hermione moved to the right of him, Harry to the left and Draco head-on. Spells were fired back and forth. Some were easy to stop and others not so much. Hermione's family stood in shock, including both her parents and nice cousins.

        While Eric, Veronica, and Bethany did know about the magical world Hermione was apart of, none of them had ever seen her in action; throwing spells while simultaneously blocking others. They also couldn't believe that this man was taking on three of the best wizards of their age, blocking every spell that came his way. He threw a cruciatus curse towards Draco but it missed by inches and absorbed by the spell barrier protecting the Granger family. While others stood frightened, some still were unsure of what was happening.

        Isabelle turned to her cousins and siblings, "Can you believe this? Like wizards actually exist. It's just some pretty little light show to try to make Hermione seem special."

        "I can't believe she got Draco Malfoy to play along with her little games," Rachel added on.

        Nathan turned to the two girls, "Who said that's even Draco Malfoy? I could be an impersonator."

        The three cousins chuckled at the trick Hermione had been playing on them just to win over their affection. Quickly, their Aunt Jean rushes over, "quiet you three! This is not a joke! If you don't shut up your lives could be in danger!"

        Isabelle looked over at her aunt unconvinced. "Really? So if I just stepped outside this barrier I would be in serious danger. That's a bloody lie!" Isabelle moved away from her cousins and into the battlefield unprotected to any curse led flown her way.

        "Isabella! No!" Aunt Jean cried.

        Amongst the battle against Dolohov, Hermione had heard her mother's cry. Everything began to move in slow motion. Hermione saw her cousin stepping out from the barrier; Dolohov saw it too. She looked at Harry and Draco who saw he was distracted and threw a rope binding spell at him. Dolohov on the other hand didn't care, as a crucio heading towards Isabella. Without thinking, Hermione apparated in front of her, taking the full effects of the spell before Dolohov was tied up.

        Hermione fell to the floor in excruciating pain. Memories began to flood her mind. She was back at the manor but not during her brief stay after her 7th year. Back to that night. Bellatrix stood over her, a knife in one hand and her wand in another.

        "Tell me how to got the sword!" She screamed, holding the knife to her throat.

        Hermione cried, "We didn't! This one's a fake!"

        Bellatrix did not seem convinced, "That's a bloody lie tell me what happened!"

        Hermione began drifting in and out of her state of consciousness. She could hear Draco begging her to wake up, her mother and father crying softly behind him. She could hear her cousins and not the good ones; in shock of what happened.

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