5: Dinner

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        Nathan was getting agitated because he and the rest of his family had been waiting for ratchet Hermione to come down and join them for dinner. She had forgotten her purse upstairs and had to go back up and get it. She's so clumsy Nathan thought to himself.

        "Gosh whats taking that girl so long!" said Nathan, angrily crossing his arms.

        "She's probably trying to tame that bushy hair of hers. She should just cut it all off," Rachel replied.

        "Hahaha yeah...so you were talking about Draco Malfoy?"

        Rachel and Isabelle's faces lit up as Mikey groaned, "Guys come on enough about that Malfoy fellow! There's nothing special about him."

        "No Mikey! He's an amazing human being and we will talk about him whether you like it or not!" Isabelle barked at him.

        Mikey backed off, putting his hands in the air like he was innocent.

        "Continue Isabelle," Rachel said.

        "So did you see he was spotted at a local bakery a couple days ago?"

        Rachel gasped bringing her arms up to her chest, " NO!"


        From the other end of the family group, Eric, Veronica, and Bethany were whispering about what their cousin told them earlier that day.

        "Do you think this is just a big prank? We haven't seen her in years she might not be that nice anymore! She didn't invite any of us to her wedding!" Eric exclaimed.

        "She probably had a good reason not to invite us," Bethany stated, "And I don't think she's lying. How can you fake a levitating object?"

        Eric nodded in agreement, "Yeah I see where you're coming from."

        Veronica chimed in, "If it really bothers you that much we can just ask her again."

        When Eric went to open his mouth again, Hermione came downstairs wearing her stunning black jumpsuit and her hair tied back into a bun. The nasty cousins turned around, staring at her in disgust.

        "WOW Hermione trying to impress someone?" Isabelle said, chuckling at her own backhanded comment.

        Lucky for Hermione — bad for Isabelle — she knew the perfect comeback, "No I'm not. You see when you already have someone dedicated to you for life, you don't need to impress others."

        "Well, I think you look beautiful," her father said, kissing her on the cheek.

        "Thanks, dad."

        About 5 minutes after Hermione came down, a waiter came over to seat them in the restaurant. They followed him all the way to the back in a private room for their reunion. The walls were covered in spruce wood panels, making the room darker than it should have been. A chandelier hung in the center of the room to brighten up the place while providing symmetry to the rectangle table place underneath it.

        Everyone began to sit down; Hermione next to her nice cousins and parents while her annoying ones sat next to theirs.

        "So Hermione" Aunt Jamie started in her snotty sarcastic tone, "What do you do for a living? Are you someone's assistant. We did hear you talk about calling people when you arrived." Aunt Jamie seemed to be proud of her comment like she put Hermione in a situation that would only result in her embarrassing herself.

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