7: Beach Day Part 2

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        The closer Hermione and Eric drove to the beach, the more their stomachs began to turn. They both equally hated their family reunions and beach day was no exception. The entire day was filled with small comments and passive-aggressive looks. It made them feel as if they weren't a family; which was fair because they weren't. What kind of close family doesn't keep in touch for more than once a year?

        As Hermione drove around the winding curb, she felt her lower back begin to hurt again and a wave of fatigue rush over her. Her eyes were drooping shut as she winced at the pain with every turning corner.

        It wasn't long before Eric began to notice, "Hermione are you okay? Hermione shook her head. They were just about to round another corner when Eric spoke again, "Listen to pullover. I'll drive the rest of the way."

        Nodding, Hermione pulled over to the side of the road. As soon as she got out, she stopped to sick on a large rock for a moment, trying to regain her balance before making her way to the passenger side seat of the car. Eric starred at her from the driver's seat, upset that his cousin was feeling suck intense motion sickness.

        "Drink more water, Hermione. It will help with car sickness."

        Eric began to pull back on to the road. "It's not motion sickness," she replied.

        He looked confused. "If it's not motion sickness than what is it."

        "I can't tell you. You'll find out tomorrow... If my husband decides to show up."

        "Okay...." The cousins were silent for the rest of the ride. Though the beach was only 10 minutes more, it felt like forever. Hermione stared out the window thinking of Draco. He should be finishing his last meeting today and should be at the lodge early tomorrow morning. Merlin how she missed him. Work had been so tiring and with him gone it only made things worse.

        "We're here," Eric said after their 10-minute silence streak.

        Hermione looked up. They had parked at the 7th tower, right in front of where their family was relaxing. She could see her snotty cousins laying on towels under the umbrella; their phones glued to their hands. Hermione looked over to the ocean where she could see her parents along with Veronica and Bethany talking. She smiled as she and Eric retrieved their things from the back of his car.

        As Hermione and Eric approached their family, Aunt Jamie spoke up, "Hermione! Where have you been? Isabelle hear told me you snuck off this morning with Eric! How ashamed you should be for ditching a day with family!"

        Hermione took a deep breath in an attempt to not yell off her aunt, "Isabelle stole all of Eric's shoes and wouldn't give them back. I took him to get new shoes before the day began and told Isabelle to inform you I was going to be late."

        Uncle Josh looked towards his niece, "Isabelle is this true?"

        All eyes were on Isabelle who was too busy sunbathing to hear her family ask any questions. Uncle Josh waited for an answer before Nathan had to tap her on the shoulders, forcing her to open her eyes.

        "What is going on?" She asked, taking out her earphone which blasted the song Single Ladies.

        "Your uncle was just asking you if you really stole all of your brother's shoes. As it is extremely disrespectful; especially at your age."

        Isabelle looked around at her relatives not sure at what to say. She finally mustered up the courage to respond, "I may have... moved Eric's shoes to an unknown location...."

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