9: Getting Ready

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        After a welcoming breakfast from Hermione's "nice" cousins, Draco and Hermione made their way back up to their room. When they returned, the housekeeping had yet to come. Their clothes from the night before scattered across the floor and the covers of their bed still pushed back. With a quick wave a wand, everything was put in place. The bed made itself, the papers stacked neatly on the desk, and even the towels that sat crooked on the bathroom shelf fixed themselves.

        Draco turned back to Hermione smiled, putting a hand around her waist, "That's better."

        Hermione smiled back at her loving husband, thinking of their pleasant days back in the head boy and girl's quarters. It wasn't until she caught him reading a muggle play did she really see a different side of him. Though they had made a truce to be kind to one another, their friendship had stayed still in a paralyzed state of not talking because any word that came out would be negative or lead to a fight. After she saw him reading Othello, Hermione approached him on the subject. He didn't try to hide the book, as it was too late for the bookworm to not notice. They talked about the book; comparing notes and even laughing at how much they shared in common. As the days went by, Hermione saw him reading more muggle literature. He was finally letting his prejudices fall and Hermione didn't mind at all; though she didn't think she would be falling for her future husband.

        Those were the days Hermione missed. The subtle conversations that made each day better than the last. As Hermione and Draco sat down of their newly made bed, Hermione tried to hide her discomfort. She guessed it was something in her breakfast that made her sick. Running back through her head of the ingredients in her omelet, she gaged at the thought of tomatoes. There goes another food I cannot enjoy anymore. She thought to herself. Hermione shifted back and forth on the mattress, trying to find the right curve to satisfy to aching back pain and raging stomach.

        When Draco sat down on the bed, it didn't take much to notice Hermione's pain, "Are you alright Hermione?"

        "Yeah, I'm fine. Just something I ate at breakfast." Draco wanted to ask what was going on. The constant change of tastes in food, the urge to throw up; he just had to know. Should I ask now? He thought no himself. No. Now is not the time. But then again...

        Before Draco could say anything more, she spoke, "I think I'm going to lie down before the party tonight. You should too after all that traveling."

        Draco nodded his head, cuddling up next to his wife as they lay on the bed. She nestled her head in his chest, filling his body with warmth and a sense of safety. Nothing could go wrong when they were together. Nothing. The two rested for the remainder of the day; Between Hermione's will to do well by everyone and Draco's perseverance to advance ahead in life, they were an unstoppable team.

        It felt like only minutes had gone by when Hermione's alarm went off, indicating the gala starts in 3 hours. Draco groaned at the sound of the alarm. Why do women take so long to get ready? He questioned himself, as he knew it would only take him 10 minutes. Draco closed his eyes once more, moaning to wake him up a half-hour until the gala.

        It felt like no time had past when Hermione shook him awake. If it wasn't for her dress and a full face of makeup he would have thought it had been five minutes. That dress though, navy blue, cascading down her figure. It fell all the way to the ground, covering her black heels and curving in all the right places. The sleeves were missing, as the dress wrapped around her neck instead. Draco looked for her scar but found no trace of it. Conceding charm, Draco thought. It was probably for the best.

        "Beautiful," said Draco, standing up to capture his wife's mouth. Their soft lips intertwined as Hermione moved closer to him, wrapping her arms around his back. Draco pushed her away softly, causing her to open her eyes in confusion. "Save it for later," he smirked.

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