4: Arriving

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When Veronica and Bethany arrived at the lodge, they were extremely upset. Though they missed the smell of the pine trees and breeze in the air, Hermione was nowhere to be seen. They entered the lobby to see their parents, Nicole and Josh sitting on a bench.

"Kids!" Their father said, getting up with his wife to greet their children. They all hugged happily to see each other.

"How was your ride down here?" Their mother asked.

"Pretty good, just happy to be away from work," Veronica said.

"Same with me," Bethany chimed in.

"Veronica! Bethany!" said a voice from behind them. The girls turned around to see their Aunt Jessica and Uncle Ben with their children Rachel, Nathan, and Mikey.

"Hi Aunt Jessica," the girls said in unison. Their aunt came over gave the girls a big group hug as their cousins stood in the background, arms folded.

"Nimrods," Mikey spoke.

"Butheads," Bethany said in response.

"Guys come on!" Uncle Ben started, "We are here for just four days try to get along!"

Just then, there was a scream coming from the glass doors at the entrance on the lodge. Everyone turned around to see Isabelle standing in the doorway, her brother Eric next to her and her parents Jamie and Richard behind them. Rachel screamed back, running to hug her cousin Isabelle. Mikey and Nathan then walked quietly to Isabelle and Rachel, passing Eric who was walking towards Veronica and Bethany.

Rachel pulled Isabelle into a hug. They were so excited that they were literally jumping up and down. Eric rolled his eyes as he approached his cousins, Veronica, and Bethany giving them a hug.

"Hey guys I'm so happy you're here," he said.

"Us too," Bethany said smiling, "Did you hear Hermione is going to be here this year?"

"I did I'm super excited to see her!."

Eric, Bethany, and Veronica turned to see everyone else huddling around their Aunt Jean and Uncle George, Hermione's parents. They went over to see what was going on.

"I thought Hermione is coming this year?" Rachel asked Aunt Jean in a snotty tone.

"She is dear, just got caught up with some stuff with work."

Everyone continued to hug before taking a seat to wait for Hermione. As they waited for their cousin to show up, Veronica heard Nathan whisper to her other cousins behind them, "Typical Hermione, showing up late to everything. I bet she didn't have a car and had to take the bus!" 

They all snickered and Veronica felt her hand turn into a fist. She was just about to stand up and give her siblings a piece of her mind when she felt Eric put a hand on her shoulder.

"Relax, when Hermione shows up, she'll put them in their place," he told her.

Veronica nodded and relaxed her hand, taking a seat back next to her cousin. As the family continued to wait for another 5 minutes. Isabelle abruptly stood up with the biggest smirk in the world, "Well I think it's safe to say that Hermione won't be joining us this year-"

Just then, someone entered the hotel, dragging a suitcase in one hand and her phone is the other.

"Lavender I don't care if Kingsley said no America is our main source of weaponry, we can't sign this treaty without their signature! Call the Americans and ask them to reconsider. Dean is working over there now he might be able to pull a few strings. Oh hello everyone! Sorry, I'm late, I got caught up in the office."

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