3: Isabelle Granger

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        Isabelle Granger hated family reunions. She couldn't stand anyone in her family, especially her cousin Hermione Granger. When the two were little, Hermione always got all of the attention. Just because she could say big words and read a lot didn't mean Isabelle wasn't fascinating as well. Isabelle could dance and sing but her relatives didn't care. When they were ten, Isabelle went as far as learning to play the piano somewhat decently; only to learn that Hermione has been playing the violin since she was 6. There was nothing she could do to top her bushy-haired cousin and Isabelle resented her for that.

        She has been grateful for these last 10 years. Little Hermione hasn't been to a family reunion since they were 15. This meant that she could hang out with her other cousins Rachel, Nathan, and Mikey. They always got together to talk about what hideous things Hermione was probably up to while they were at the reunion. One year, Mikey said that she probably couldn't afford to come and was living on the streets. Rachel took it one step further and said she was probably living in a ditch, that the streets were too nice for crooked teeth Hermione.

        Looking back at all the family reunions, Isabelle smiled as she remembered the year when they were all 13 and made Hermione cry because of her awfully named cat Crookshanks. They told her how she only got the ratchet cat because no person would ever want to be her friend. They laughed at her and her cat so much that Hermione ran away crying somewhere in the hotel.

        Isabelle remembered her other cousins Veronica, Bethany, and her own brother Eric running after Hermione, trying to calm her down before dinner started just 10 minutes after her meltdown. She wasn't looking forward to seeing her cousins that were nice to Hermione. No one deserved kindness if they sided with her hideous cousin. Especially when they were older, Eric, Veronica, and Bethany would go off by themselves to avoid being ridiculed by their other cousins.

        Isabelle couldn't wait to make fun of her goofy brother. Eric moved out the minute he turned 18 so Isabelle has only seen him once a year at these stupid reunions. Apparently, he works at this big law firm now and has "saved the family name" whatever that means. He could work for any law firm he wanted, but, he was always going to be known as Isabella's annoying brother.

        The same went for her nosy cousins Veronica and Bethany. Isabelle only sees them once a year at the Granger reunions but couldn't bother to know what they did for a living. Isabelle herself was a barista in a cafe in London. Rachel, Nathan, and Mikey would visit her daily since they all loved relatively close to each other. Plus, they all got discounts and after Isabelle's night shift, they would sit around and talk about their week.

        Along with talking about Hermione, they found someone new to pick on, Isabelle's co-worker Vanessa. For some reason, every time they talked about Hermione, Vanessa would get really tense and grip her back pocket on some sort of chopstick as she scrubbed the tables by herself since Isabelle wouldn't bother to help. The Grangers found this chopstick extremely funny thus adding her to a list of people they talked about.

        Isabelle tried focused on what she was going to talk to Rachel about as she sat in her room, trying to ignore her other flatmates. She rummaged through her phone to find all the gossip when she stumbled upon an article about Draco Malfoy. Ahh yes, Draco Malfoy, the hottest entrepreneur in all of London.

        Around 8 years ago, his company —Malfoy & Co. — appeared out of nowhere. They were selling and marketing like they had been there all along; people said it was almost like magic. Everyone in all of London obsessed over him, wanting him to be their girlfriend and sometimes even boyfriend. Rachel and Isabelle were no exception to this phenomenon. According to them, they wanted him more than anyone else in all of Great Britain. The only problem with having two people who think they are the best is that there isn't a winner. This was the only thing Rachel and Isabelle argue over, that Draco was more likely to be theirs than the others. To prove it, the two girls made a pact; if they are to see Draco Malfoy, the girl who gets him to go on a date would win.

         The only problem with Rachel and Isabelle's was that after about 4 years, Draco was no longer seen in public anymore. Sure he was still on television for speeches and was seen at meetings for work but he was never seen anywhere for personal business. No sighting at a local grocery store, no spotting at the cinema, nothing. That is until he was spotted today, Thursday in Portsmouth buying sweets at a local bakery! Isabelle couldn't wait to tell Rachel tomorrow. She went to her bed where her notebook was lying, wanting to write down what she was going to tell Rachel.

        Isabelle opened up her notebook, taking a second to stare at the picture of Draco she had taped to the inside cover before starting to write. Just as she lifted up her pen for the last time, her phone rang.

        She put her pen inside the notebook before closing it and picking up her phone, "Hello?"

        "Isabelle it's Jamie, your mother," said her mum on the other end of the phone.

        "Ugh mum I'm going to see you tomorrow what do you want," Isabelle said grotesquely as she rolled over in her bed.

         "I just thought you should know that your Aunt Jean just called me. She says Hermione will be at the reunion this year! Won't this be a nightmare? You haven't seen her in a while, have you? Isabelle?"

        Isabelle remained silent as her mother called her name from the other end of the line, her hand frozen by her ear. Hermione has finally decided to attend a family reunion after 10 years! Isabelle couldn't believe it!

        "Ugh fine I'll see you at the lodge tomorrow!" Jamie said hanging up the phone, not waiting for her daughter's response.

        Isabelle was trying to process her thoughts as fast a possible. She was mad that Hermione would be joining again, this meant that she'll get all of the attention. That also meant that she had to repack her suitcase. With all this new development it called for her more expensive clothing so that all the attention would stay on her.

        On the other hand, she, Rachel, Nathan, and Mikey could make fun of Hermione with her in person! Isabelle got really excited as she put down her phone and opening her notebook once more to write down another detail of what to tell Rachel tomorrow.

        After finishing writing, Isabelle got off her bed and began to pack...again. She had never been this excited for a family gathering in her life. She knew this reunion would be one she would never forget. And she was right, she would never forget this reunion; only it would be for an entirely different reason.

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