2: Lunch

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        Monday rolled around and Hermione was dreading the upcoming week. Four days with her family was still too much for her to handle. She preferred to never see them again which apparently wasn't possible. Not only did Hermione have to spend time with her extended family, but she also had to go another week without Draco. These little work trips seemed to get longer and longer the more Draco worked. She wouldn't be surprised if he would be gone for a month for his next trip.

        Hermione sat down as her desk at work, trying to finish another set of regulations only this time, they were from the Mexican Ministry of Magic, Todos los productos alimenticios comprados por el Ministerio de Magia británico en territorio mexicano se someterán a una evaluación cuidadosa para evitar futuras colocaciones como el Breakout de 2001.

        As Hermione dreaded the next stack of parchment she had to do, she felt the sudden urge to pee again. For the past few weeks, Hermione has found that she needed to use the toilets more than usual and it was starting to annoy her. Quickly, she ran out of her office and straight towards the bathrooms. She felt so uneasy even though all she had for breakfast was eggs and toast. As Hermione walked back to her office, she heard a familiar voice from behind her at the other end of the hall.

        "Hey, Hermione!" Hermione turned around to see one of her best friends Ginny Potter running towards her.

        Ginny was wearing her usual attire, a black pencil shirt, and a white blouse; her ginger hair cut to shoulder length. Hermione always told her she would look better with short hair so she was so happy when Ginny came to her house last week with her new hair cut. Ginny was coming from the building across the street where she worked as the sports editor for the Daily Prophet.

        "Ginny! What are you doing on the fifth floor? You know Harry works on the seventh right?" Hermione questioned her best friend.

        "Yes, I know where my husband works! I can't stop by to ask my best friend if she wanted to go to lunch?"

        Hermione smiled widely, "I'd love to go to lunch. I need to get away from all this paperwork!" Hermione grabbed her coat and followed Ginny out of the door and into the elevator.

        "So how are Harry and James?" Hermione asked in the elevator.

        "They are doing just great. He is just a little ball of joy!" Ginny replied as she talked about her newly born son, James Sirius Potter.

        "Yes I know but how is James?" Hermione jokingly asked.

        "Har har har. Harry is doing fine as well. Got caught up at work. Another house-elf went missing."

        "Blimey, that's the third one this week!"

        "Yeah, really giving the Aurors a run for their money. Harry is staying late tonight so I gave James to mum and dad for the next couple days. The Quidditch World cup is coming up soon so I'll be out of town as well. I have a feeling Harry will be stuck on his case for a while. These articles won't write themselves though!"

        As the girls got out of the elevator, they headed down the street to their favorite muggle cafe. It was one of the colder days in London. Everyone on the streets was dressed in warmer clothing that included several layers on coats and scarves. Hermione even swore she saw someone wearing two pairs of socks but brushed it off and focused her attention back on Ginny.

        "I still can't believe Harry got promoted to Head Auror. He must be so happy!" Hermione exclaimed.

        "Yeah, he is. That means more time away for me and James though." Ginny looked disappointed as the words came out of her mouth, "I just miss him so much you know? Eating dinner every night together, Harry coming home early for work so I'm awake when he goes to bed...it's the little things I miss."

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