6: Beach Day Part 1

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        The sun shined bright in Hermione's hotel room early Saturday morning. As the light touched her skin, she had a feeling of warmth, something that was absent from her current life. Hermione rolled over in bed, expecting Draco's strong arms to guide her next to his body. She was brought, however, with disappointment as she realized that she was in her hotel room, without her husband.

        Hermione sighed and sat up in bed. She ran her hands through hair as she felt something sticky upon them; ink. She must have spilled ink on herself while she was working before falling asleep last night. Hermione rushed to the desk to make sure her weeks of work were not ruined; it wasn't. Thank Merlin.

        Another sigh overcame Hermione as she prepared for the beach day. She made her way into the bathroom, to take a quick shower to wash the ink out of her hair. The warm water touching her skin made Hermione melt away, not wanting to return to the muggle world.

        Hermione took her shower time to think about what the day would bring her. Today would be a nice break before tomorrow. Though Draco would be arriving sometime soon, the last full day of the reunion was always the gala Sunday night. Not a very formal gala, but rather an excuse to dress up and socialize with long lost relatives.

        Hoping optimism would fill her day, Hermione stepped out of the shower and used a drying spell for her hair and body. After Hermione dried off, she quickly got dressed in her red t-shirt, tucked into her jean shorts. She put a bandana around her hair to act as a headband, not wanting to deal with the bushy mess that day. Hermione found her belongings and made her way towards the elevator to the lobby.

        When she arrived in the lobby, she came to the realization that no one was there. Perfect, she thought, wanting a little more time to sleep. Hermione plopped down on a bench that sat in the room connecting the elevator to the rest of the hotel. She sat down, feeling the warmth of the cushions like someone had sat there recently. Just as she closed her eyes, a ding came from the left side of her.

        "What are you doing?" Hermione opened her eyes to see Rachel standing with her brothers Mikey and Nathan. Hermione sighed and greeted them.

        "Hello, how was your morning?"

        "Sleeping in public places? When did you become so low?" Nathan asked ignoring her question. Hermione opened her eyes, realizing that there was not even the slightest chance that she would enjoy the beach day.

        "I was up working all night on a peace treaty. You now, to keep our country safe?" Hermione stood up the meet her cousins at eye level, "or would you rather me get my beauty sleep and let everything go to shit!"

        Nathan backed away slowly as the elevator dinged, indicating more people arriving in the lobby. When Hermione looked past her snotty cousins she saw Eric, standing very angrily in the doorway with no shoes on.

        Isabelle smirked, "Where did your shoes go little brother?"

        "Give then back guys were not 11 anymore!" Eric yelled as he approached from the elevator barefoot.

        "I have no idea what you're talking about."

        Eric became enraged and began to charge at Isabelle, "Give them back or I swear I'll-"

        "Eric stop!" Hermione yelled as she stepped in front of Isabelle to shield Eric, " I will take you to get new shoes if you promise to kill them!" Eric sighed and backed away, giving his sister and awful glance. "Tell my parents well meet them at the beach."

        Hermione quickly grabbed Eric's shoulders to move him away before grabbing her bag and exiting the lobby. She pulled him into a secluded part of the hotel where no one would even dare to look.

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