Chapter 23

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Sorry haven't been in the mood to update so I finally found the energy to get back into updating.

Omg it's crazy to think I'm 20 this year and I'm no longer in teenage hood once the 24th June comes. 😱🤭

Mizuki's POV

"Hey grandma take a seat you might hurt your back!"Sanji yelled as I had to cover my mouth to not laugh.

"I'll get you for that!"She says. Sighing with boredom I get up and snoop out the bookshelf.

"Ow!"I cry as I felt some whack my head.

"It's rude to just go through people's stuff"The old lady scowls.

"Nothing else to do"I say picking a book and sat on the bed Nami was on.

I flipped aimlessly through the book ignoring the boys completely.

"Hey Mizu-san what happened to your head?"Nami asked.

"I must whacked my head on a rock I think"I say shrugging my shoulders as I flip the next page.

"What's with the raccoon?"Nami asked as the old lady sat on her chair as she drank some tea.

"He's the best doctor here all thanks to doctor named Hiriluk that taught him everything and helped him"The lady said as she said he had eaten a devil fruit called 'Human Human' fruit.

The old lady told us about 'Choppers' past that left me in tears.

"That poor little thing had to go through such"I say with all emotional.

"Eh he's nothing but a useless raindeer"The old lady said. I stood high and glared at her.

"And your just as useless as him"I say storming off finding the two boys in the process.

"Mizu-chuan!"Sanji shout running to hug me but froze and shrieks making me arch an eyebrow.

"You dare speak to me that way!"I hear behind me and I turned to see the old lady with her back and arms with heaps of sharp weapons.

I shrieked as well as she tossed on to me as I used metal bending to dodge.

"What devil fruit is that?!"She shouts as she continued  so ran with the two boys.

"You crazy women!"I shout making a stone wall to buy us some time but she just whammed through the wall effortlessly.

I made a whole in the wall and outside which was all snowy and nothing new. I open my glider and threw it.

"Get back here brat!"She yelled.

"Make me old hag!"I shout as I didn't hesitate to make a small column making a small boost and just jumped off the edge reaching for my glider.

"Mizu-Chuan!!!"I hear Sanji shout as I caught ahold of my glider and flew off.

I looked on the ground noticing those white rabbits were scattered all over the place.

I flew don't to one and crouched down and checked to see if it was still alive.

I hear a whine beside me and see a baby frightened and sad making my heart shatter at that.

"It's okay I can help you"I say. It jumped on my shoulder and snuggled my cheek making me chuckle.

I take my gloves off and check for the pulse which I felt as slow thump.

I Swish my hand making some water and placed it on the sound of the rabbit.

Taking a deep breath as the water started to glow as it was healing.

Once I was done the baby basically was thanking me.

"Aww ain't that sweet"I hear making my blood boil at the sarcasm.

I turned my head to see a group of men making me stand and turn to them with a death glare.

"Bastards"I mutter as they laughed at me as I glared even more.

"What are you gonna do about it little girl"One said as they went to come closer.

"This"I say swung my arms with force making the snow around me melt to water making them shriek in cold and scared.

I raised them up and turned them upside down and froze them in place.

"Ahh!"They shriek making me grin evilly. "W-Who are you?!"

"I'm a Strawhat Pirates"I say proudly.

"S-Strawhat?!"They yell.

"Mizuki!"I hear and I see a familiar blue haired women.

"Vivi"I say smiling casually walking to her.

"What happened there?"Vivi asked as she looked at my 'Artwork' as she sees the men stuck getting tormented by the big rabbits that were up still injured.

"Oh just paying them back"I say walking away with my staff. Slowly getting irritated when the princess starts going on and on with questions

"How'd you do that? What happen to you? Where's the others? Are they okay? Where's Nami? Is sh-

"Shut up! Quit with the damn damn questions!"I shout in annoyance making her sweat drop. "Anyways they are fine they found a doctor okay it's just the one of the doctors is crazy so I up n left"

"Sorry Mizuki"She said quiet making me sighed but stopped seeing a green haired man.

"Zoro"I say making him turn to look at me as I have him a small wave with goofy grin.

"What are you doing down here?"He asked.

"The old lady's crazy and chased me till I flew away"I say shrugging my shoulders. "Anyways how's life?"

"How can you say that so casually?!"He shouted as he sweat drops along with Vivi and I jumped seeing Usopp.

"I did not see you there"I say as they once again sweat drop at my random mumbling.

That's when a sound of war cry echoed near us making us see the people from before.

"What are they doing here?"I ask as they told me what happen as they met a man that sacrificed himself for the villages.

"Oh look who we have here that beautiful women from that ship"I hear.

"I'm flattered"I say robot like.

"How about you join my cre-

"Like I'll join a bunch of dumbasses like you boring pirates"I say coldly.

"Get her!"The main guy said and I ran at them and jump and swung my left leg with force making fire unleash and burn some of them.

"What on earth?!"The goat man shouts.

"Don't test me"I say spun my staff creating a strong current thanks to the cold snow atmosphere.

I swung my staff making all the wind pick up a snow storm and sweeped all of them away in one piece. (😝)

I turned around to see the other three staring in awe as I smirked.

"Come on this'll buy us some time"I say running as they followed.


Omg I'm so sorry I'll try do another

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