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"Tell me the truth hyung."
I felt how Jimin was piercing him with his eyesight while holding onto a smile of delight.
"S-she's my...sister."
I heard Jimin walk over to the door still with his arms crossed while hung his head low.
"*fake cough* bullshit."
I turned to look back at Jin, his fists ready to burst with anger at Jimin's words.
"Tell me hyung. Just tell me the truth."
Somehow I felt stupid, the way I was pleading for him to tell me something he was hiding was absolutely pathetic.
"She's my sister. "(Jin)
Suddenly I heard the door close, Jimin had left the room and purposely shut the door loudly so we could both hear it.
"What was that?"
The girl that was soundly asleep said with sleepy eyes while staring at the door.
We both ignored her rudely and continued arguing.
"Fine like that..but, you're not hyung to me anymore. "
Letting go of his arm I walked towards the door then got out, also shutting the door loudly.
"Yah!! I'm trying to sleep here!!"
I heard the girl scream in Korean from inside the room.
A slight giggle escaped my lips at the realization that my Korean was so much more advanced now that I understood what the girl said from the bed above mine.
"Y/n wait!!"
I looked back to see him standing outside of the room along with me.
Walking faster I tried finding differen ways through the hallways until I knew he had given up completely.

I rapidly made my way out of the building and walked towards the park.
Sitting down on the wooden bench I felt a wave of relief wash over my body .
I looked down at the floor and saw a makeup stain right beside my feet.

One of them whispered to the other before bursting into laughter once again.
Y/n noticed the foundation smashed on the floor and her eyes widened with shock.

................End of Flashback.......

With my foot I rubbed the foundation more on the floor until it wasn't visible anymore.
Just a sister..sure.
As soon as my eyes were about to water, a little girl walked up to me, her little feet taking tiny stomps until she reached her destination.
"Excuse me, but weren't you that pretty girl that was....kissing? Cute oppa that other day?"
She looked at me with a worried expression on her face, her huge eyes bringing a tiny smile onto my lips.
"Your parents must be looking for you."
I said in Korean since what she had asked was in Korean too.
"Are you sad?..."
She reached her tiny cute hand onto my head, patting on it as a way to calm me down.
"No." (Y/n)
"Where is your oppa?" (Girl)
"He's not my oppa.." (Y/n)
"Is he your...hyung?"
She looked pretty confused at the moment but still took a seat next to me on the bench.
"No..he's not my hyung..not anymore."
My eyes began to water at my own words, her eyes enlarging a bit more as she noticed how a drop of water left my eye.

She stook out her arm then wiped the tear away with her sleeve.
Turning to look into her huge shiny eyes I gave her advice that could help her on in the future.
"Don't fall for a boy that lies to you in the face, a boy who has the guts to love you while fooling with your heart at the same time. Promise?"
She tilted her head to the side.
We connected our pinkies then I heard a woman calling out a little girl's name.
"That must be your mommy." (Y/n)
"Noona. I know a boy who does that, my dad lied to my mom and me then he left us forever. I will keep our promise until the end of the world."
A warm smile spread on my lips, her mother grabbed her hand then took her away after thanking me.

A realization struck my mind at my own words again.
Both Jimin and Jin have fooled me... What am I to them?
That day Jimin had wanted me all for himself, that day he was full of jealousy when I met Jin, that time he defended me from the girl in class...those two times I slept in his arms, yet he fooled me more than twice then everyone found out about my secret afterwards, he did it with his ex in a class then tried to get me like as if I didn't know.

Jin's...breathtaking kiss in the hallway, kiss in the park, kiss when he...found the necklace I was longing for, the necklace I treasured more than anything else, yet......he kissed me once for his own game which broke my heart completely until it was shattered glass, lied to me in the eyes knowing I wouldn't believe anything he said....and he's the first guy to make me cry.

Both of them hate each other more than anything else in this world, they both try to fool me, both of them are desired the most in the school, both have betrayed me in many ways....yet I love them both.

"Are you just going to sit there for the rest of the day?"
I looked up and surely standing there was Jimin with his hands tucked inside the pockets of the uniform pants.
"Go away.."
Instead of leaving me alone like I wished he would've, he took steps towards me until he finally sat down on the empty spot next to me on the bench.
"I heard that when a girl tells you she wants to be alone or for you to leave her would be a great mistake to do as she wishes. "
He reached into his backpack and took out a candy.
"Blueberry?" (Jimin)
"You're still with this?" (Y/n)
"I don't know what you're talking about. Now I know that little body of yours wants this lollipop more than it wants me."(Jimin)
I gasped at his words, a tiny smirk appeared on his lips as he waved the lollipop in my face.
"I don't." (Y/n)
"So you want more?" (Jimin)
"No, that's not what I mean---"
Suddenly he placed his hand on his heart, clutching on the clothing of the uniform as if in pain.
"I wasn't ready for such a heart is beating so fast."
I punched his shoulder playfully, earning for him to be even more dramatic about everything.
When I was about to punch his shoulder one more time, he suddenly grabbed my wrist.
I was forced to look at him in the eyes, my heart beating faster than usual after noticing he was being serious.
"Go out with me."

Silent Roommates (18+)Where stories live. Discover now