Switched Feelings?

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No...they meant everything to me...

Jimin glared at me for an explanation to why Jin and I had done many things with me without his concern.
"All this time you let me believe I had a chance?!!"
Jin's pink lips were parted with the betrayal he was feeling. I covered my mouth with one hand to prevent any cries to escape while my other hand tried reaching out to him.
"J-Jin ...hyung--"
Before I could finish the sentence he dodged my touch in a way that I could tell he was extremely hurt.
"I thought you said I'm not hyung....to you anymore."
This time he hung his head low and began to walk away from us.

I could see the way Jimin was gritting his teeth, some of his own blood being wiped away with his tongue. My mother walked up to Jimin, her little red high heels clanking on the ground with each step.
"Omo. Are you ok?" (Mom)
"Y-yes ma'am." (Jimin)
She took a deep breath in.
"Are you dating my daughter?" (Mom)
"Not yet ma'am, you caught me right on the spot."
He giggled a bit , a tiny cut on his lip made him look  sexy when he smiled brightly.

Without hesitation my mother raised her hand and hit him behind the head, completely wiping away his sexy smirk and replacing it with a frown.
"Aishh....you don't have to be so mean about it."
Jimin complained while rubbing the back of his head in pain.
I too walked towards my mother then tapped on her shoulder carefully.
"Mom...I think I'm old enough to make my own choices now."
She turned to look back at me with a shocked expression in her eyes.
"Honey, I think she's righ , we need to let our butterfly fly into her own responsibilities."
My father spoke with a concerned tone adjusted to his voice. My mother nodded her head, she walked back to my father then whispered something in his ear.
"Yes...uhm..young man..I need to warn you."
I looked at Jimin, he looked at my father whom stared right into him .
"Yes*gulp*?" (Jimin)
"For every tear you make her drop...will be how many teeth of yours will fly."
Father made sure to eye Jimin closely before both my parents left the park, leaving Jimin and I alone.

My heart burnt so much after just loosing someone so important to me. Looking Jimin in the eyes I wrapped my arms around him, accidentally touching one of the places in which he got hit by Jin.
"Aah...that hurt.." (Jimin)
"Oh, I'm really sorry..I shouldn't ha--"(Y/n)
" but having your touch on my body....is something that I can't resist. "
He himself warpped my arms back onto his torso, squealing under my touch a bit from the intolerable pain caused by the fight.
"Gosh I missed these times." (Jimin)
"What times?" (Y/n)
"When you were in my arms.." (Jimin)
I playfully punched him in the stomach....
I saw him bend over in pain while clutching onto his hurt area.
"OMG!! I'm so sorry!!!I forgot!!" (Y/n)

.............Next Day............

After exchanging numbers with Jimin , I walked into one of my classes.
I took steps by every desk....Jin's desk, which was all the way in the back, appeared empty.
Sitting down in my desk I glanced over to the empty spot that belonged to Jin.
"Let me take attendance."
"Jeon Jungkook?" (Teacher)
"Up your-- here!" (Jungkook)
"M...Min yoongi? Am I saying it right?" (Teacher)
"Also up your a-- here!" (Yoongi)
"Kim Tae hyung." (Teacher)
"Blowing a -- here!" (Taehyung)
"Excuse me? Watch your language Mr.Kim."
The teacher looked at him with a concerned look.
"Sir...watch your mind...I mean WASH your mind cuz I was gonna say 'Blowing a GUM"" (Taehyung)
Taehyung opened his mouth and popped a bubble from his gum really loud.
All of them began laughing histerically at their own prank.
After giggling a little more they got up from their seats and walked past the teacher, making sure to give him a bad boy smirk.
"Its at the end of this hall, to the left." (Teacher)
"What makes you think that we were gonna go to the office, Sir?"
Before the teacher could do anything else they all ran out of the class running, firstly emptying their backpacks in the hall as the teacher watched frustrated.
" *laughter* "
As soon as the other three walked out a guy with pink hair walked inside the classroom. Looking throughly at him, he had big plump lips, large body , ......his eyes..it was Jin.
"Mr. Kim please take a seat."
Jin ignored his words and just sat down on his desk which he shared with another girl. I turned to look at him , the way his pink hair fit him perfectly was something almost impossible.  I was so caught up in his beautifulness that I didn't even notice that he was watching me.
" is something disrupting you from my class? "(teacher)
" n-no sir. "
When I turned to look back at Jin , at first he had a warm smile on his lips but as soon as he noticed that I was looking at him , he rapidly turned his gaze into something serious.
"The study of the human body....ect "
Again with curiosity I turned to look back at Jin , my eyes widened once noticing that his hand was caressing the girl's thigh...each time going higher.
As soon as she his hand was about to reach under her skirt , he stopped.
Getting close to her ear I saw him whisper something that apparently made her bite her lip and shut her legs close together.
My whole body was raging with madness and jealousy.
Once the bell rang , I gathered my things and was the first one to leave the classroom.
A warm smile took over me at the realization that I had my next class with Jimin.
"Sir! Can Y/N sit next to me?"
He shouted from across the classroom after noticing my arrival.
"Ms.Y/n do you want a seat next to Mr.Park?"
I just nodded my head while my face splashed with blush as I walked to the very back row.
"What did you do that for?!!"
I whisper yelled .
"You didn't want to sit next to me?" (Jimin)
"No , it's not that ..  But literally from across the class?!! Seriously? " (Y/n)
"I have a question..." (Jimin)
Playfully I rolled my eyes then rested my head on his broad shoulder.
"What is it? "(Y/n)
"Are we officially a couple? "(Jimin)
My face turning even redder at the moment.
"I guess....." (Y/n)
"If that's true..then... Can I do this?"
Without my concern he pulled my head towards him and gave me a peck on the lips.
Since I didn't want to get even more red I turned my gaze to the the class windows that showed a full view of the hallway.
Walking by was ...Jin..his gaze turned to look at me until I felt my heart stop beating.
Suddenly something warm brushed against the skin of my thigh , Jimin was caressing it in a very...wrong..way.
I put my hand over his , failing my attempt to remove his palm.
I looked back at Jin , he seemed to notice what situation I was in and just laughed like a complete jerk.
Once he was gone I looked back at Jimin.
"What do you think you are doing?(Y/n)
" you think I didn't know? "(Jimin)
" Know what? "(Y/n)
He raised an eyebrow and let go of my leg.
"That the S.R.J was standing right outside watching us...be us.?" (Jimin)
"What the fuck is that?" (Y/n)
He held onto my hand this time , looking straight into me he whispered the words that caused a huge change in the way I saw him.
"I was showing him that you were mine...that you belong to me...my property...I practically claimed you in his eyes."
Rapidly I disconnected our eyes , my hand removed his from above it.
"I can't believe you.... I'm not an item...Jimin."

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