Chapter 1- The Hogwarts Express

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Hermione was excited to return to Hogwarts and be with her best friends Harry and Ron before they became Aurors. She and Ron tried to make dating work but they have always been better off as friends. She met up with Harry, Ron and Ginny on Platform 9 3/4 to board the Hogwarts express. "Harry! Ron! Ginny!" Hermione yelled from across the platform. "Hermione!" they returned as Hermione came racing towards them. They all got on board and headed towards an empty compartment. They sat down and began talking about what the Ministry had planned for them as they were of age. "I bet they are having us train in some special kind of magic to help us repel dark forces" Ron said, "No, i don't thing so because Voldemort is dead and all his followers are either dead, hiding, or in Azkaban" Hermione said. "I think it has something to do with the amount of people that were killed by Voldemort and his followers" Ginny said sadly, "I think Ginny might be right" Harry said confidently "I mean we lost more students than ever before because of Voldemort, they may want us to ensure the younger students that nothing like that will ever happen again". Just as Harry finished his sentence there was a small knock on the compartment door. The 4 of them looked up to see Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, and Pansy Parkinson standing at the door looking down at their feet. "Come in" said Hermione sternly. Draco opened the door and began to speak softly , "We wanted to come and say sorry for what happened last year and to ask for your forgiveness for what our families made us do". The four looked bewildered, Did Draco Malfoy the know-it-all Pureblood apologize to them for being a Deatheater?? "Well Malfoy, I appreciate the apology but considering you tormented all of us since we were first years, Im going to have to pass on the forgiveness" Harry said with fire in his eyes as he pulled Ginny closer to him. "Im going to have to pass on the forgiveness too Malfoy since you think my family are blood traitors" Ron said looking at Ginny as she nodded in agreement. Hermione stood there as she was the only one left who hadnt given an answer to the three Slytherins. Draco looked at the ground sadly and began to shut the door thinking Hermione would never forgive them when she said "Malfoy, Wait!". "Yes" he said eye widening with hope, "I forgive you" She said contently "We have all done things we are ashamed of and we all deserve second chances". He looked at her with widened eyes as he was the last person he would have expected Hermione Granger to forgive. "Thank you Granger" Draco said hesitantly "Ill see you at Hogwarts then!". "See you at Hogwarts!" She said hoping that her forgiveness wouldn't go underestimated. 

The train reached the school and the four of them got off and headed towards the carriages where they found Luna Lovegood feeding the Thestrals her remaining food from the train. "Hello guys!" she said happily "How was your summer? My father and I spent it looking for more rare fruit to write on in the Quibbler", "Our summers were great Luna! Thank you for asking!" they all replied. The hopped into an empty carriage and rode up the path to Hogwarts where they would spend their last year at. 

They sat down at their house tables and watched as all the eager first years were sorted into their houses. After the sorting, Professor McGonagall stood up at the podium and began to explain to the first years that the Forbidden forest is off limits to all students. Them she snapped her fingers and food magically appeared on all the tables and the feast began. After the feast McGonagall stood up on the podium again and began to speak "Good evening students!" she said loudly "There have been a few changes to the school this year! First off, there will be no Quidditch this year as the field could not be repaired Magically. Second, Hogsmead visits are now open to any student who is a second year or above and Third, a new law has been made for students ages 17-19 so I will need all 17-19 year old students to stay in the Great Hall and everyone else to follow their prefects to their house Dormitories. I wish you all the best of luck this year at Hogwarts!"

The 6th and 7th years stayed behind as told while the rest of the students left, leaving only the 6th and 7th years and the Professors. They looked around wondering why the new law couldnt be said infront of the rest of the school. "So as you all may know from my letter, there has been a new law put in place by the Ministry" McGonagall said "Since we lost so many people, the Ministry believes it to be necessary to replenish the Wizarding population" she said with a horrified look in her eyes "So it pains me to tell you this but unfortunatly we do not have a choice as it is a law". "All students ages 17-19 will be assigned a partner whom they will Marry before the end of the school year and the girl must be pregnant no later than 1 month after the wedding or else both boy and girl will have their wands snapped and they will be sent to Azkaban" McGonagall said painfully. Shouts of anger and resistance came from the students as they protested, McGonagall said "I am deeply sorry students, but a law is a law and it must be followed no matter how unfair it is". "Fortunatley, if you are already dating someone you are permitted to remain with them but the same rules apply" she said. Hermione looked around wondering who was chosen to be with her, whom she would marry and have children with. 


Hey guys! How was my first chapter??? I totally ship Dramione if you can't already tell! Leave your comments and i might incorporate your ideas into my later chapters!

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