Life at the manor and the unexpected adventure

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Hermione had been at the Manor for two days now and was loving it. Narcissa and Lucius had taken the liberty in opening the windows and adding brightly colored flowers around the Manor. When Hermione had previously been to the manor it was not a pleasant experience and it was dark and gloomy as Voldemort had taken up residence with them while rising to power.  They had also asked the house elves to plant bright flowers outside so that it was more homely. Draco had shown Hermione most of the castle, there were only two places that had not been shown to Hermione. The dining room where Bellatrix had tortured her and the dungeon where her friends had been help captive. Draco did not want to bring back fowl memories of the war. "Draco the manor is so beautiful!" Hermione said as they were sitting in the garden drinking tea. "Im glad you like it Hermione" Draco said, "Because once we are finished with school and we are married my father agreed to make me head male heir of the manor" he finished with a smile. "Really?" Hermione said "Where will your parents live?" she asked concerned. "My mother had an estate left to her when Bellatrix died" Draco said, "Its a lovely place in France on the beach, my parents are ready to retire and live a happy stress free life" He finished. "Oh thats wonderful!" Hermione said, "We should visit the estate before they move in and clean it up! Im sure Bellatrix did not live clean and they should not have to move into a grungy home" Hermione said. "Thats a lovely idea hun!" Draco said, "We will go in a couple months and take a couple elves with us, they are quite useful when it comes to cleaning!". Hermione frowned when he said this, "Why should we take the elves when we are perfectly capable of doing it ourselves!" she said. "Hun, they love working here we have offered to pay them wages, give them clothes, even set them free if they so desired. They all refused, the only request they had was to be treated equally to wizards and witches." Draco said, "Im positive they would more than enjoy cleaning up my mother and fathers new estate when the time comes". Hermione felt better knowing they had tried to allow them to go free and they had tried to give them better lives. "Oh alright, we can ask them to get flowers for the house as they have done for the manor" Hermione said giving Draco a kiss on the cheek. Snow began to fall and the couple headed inside to get warm by the large fireplace that the manor has and cuddled up on a sofa. Just as they were getting comfortable a voice came out of the fireplace. Draco drew out his wand and motioned for Hermione to remain seated on the couch. "Whos there" Draco asked, "Its me you dumbass" said the other voice, "Blaise??" Draco said, "Yes you blonde headed twit! Can I floo over?" Blaise asked, "Sure" Draco said as he went to sit back down with Hermione. Suddenly a bright green light flashed and Blaise appeared infront of the couple covered in ash. "What can we do for you Blaise?" Draco asked, "Its Luna" Blaise said beginning to cry, "Shes missing!" he yelled now full blown sobbing. "Whoa mate what happened??" Draco said. "Her father still does not approve of her getting paired with an ex-deatheater so he would not allow me to stay with her or her to stay with me, but ive been visiting her everyday so that we can make plans for our wedding and today I went to visit her and her father said she was missing and he hadnt seen her since the night before" he said frantically "Her father said he had called the ministry and filed with the aurors to find her". Draco and Hermione were shocked beyond belief. "Alright do you have any idea where she could have gone?" Hermione asked whilst comforting a sobbing Blaise. "Her father said she might have gone to visit Harry, the burrow is the first place I checked but she was not there". "Alright let me go tell my father he might know of some deatheaters that would take revenge on us" Draco said and left the room to go find his father. "Blaise its going to be ok we will find her" Hermione said. They waited around 5 minutes talking as Hermione attempted to reassure Blaise that Luna was going to be alright when Draco and Lucius came running into the room. "I think i might have an idea of who would possibly have her" Lucius said, "Towards the end of the war a deatheater known as Killian Prince had vowed that if he was to survive the war and the outcome be that Voldemort was defeated he would personally come after any and ever muggleborn, Halfblood, and Pureblood that fought against Voldemort and personally take care of them himself", Lucius finished. "Well how do you know its him?" Blaise asked. "I know its him because he was on the bridge to Hogwarts the night that Harry faked his death but he was never found dead when the final battle was over" Lucius said, "I know of two places he might be hiding; his families inherited estate or the abandoned wand tree orchard" He said. "Draco and Hermione you go check out the orchard and bring Potter and Ginny with you" Lucius said, "Blaise youll come with me and get Lunas father as well as Pansy and Ronald if he wishes to come as well" he finished. "Alright Draco and I will apparate to the burrow and notify all of them, where would you like Ron and Pansy to meet with you?" Hermione asked, "Tell them to apparate here and we will apparate together to his estate". Hermione and Draco immediately disparated to the burrow and told the others what needed to happen. They all disaparated back to Malfoy Manor and the search for Luna Lovegood began. 


Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I love shipping Draco and Hermione together because they would have made a perfect couple. Im gonna try and update every day or two till i ship off to basic training! My goal is to finish this story before then and then make a sequel when Im able to access my electronics! Ill be at basic for about 10 weeks and then Ill go to my job training and depending on my instructors I might get to keep my phone and Laptop! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2019 ⏰

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