Chapter 2- The choosing

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McGonagall began with asking all the boys to sit at the Gryffindor table and all the girls to sit at the Slytherin table. "Alright, all 6th year couples will sit at the Ravenclaw table once called and all 7th year couples at the Hufflepuff table" she said. McGonagall began by calling all the 6th year couples, but Hermione didnt listen as she didnt know any of the 6th years. Once all the 6th years were called they were led to their new shared dormitories by Professor Flitwick. It was time for the 7th year couples to be called. McGonagall began calling out the couples who will be together, "Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley", "Ron Weasley and Pansy Parkinson", "Luna Lovegood and Blaise Zabini", Hermione heard Mcgonagall say her name, "Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy", Hermione's heart sank to the floor as the boy she was to marry had torented her since her first year at Hogwarts. They walked towards the Hufflepuff table and sat next to eachother in silence. McGonagall had soon called all of the couples names and then she proceeded to lead them to their dormitories. "Alright everyone, there will be 4 couples to a common area" she explained "The first 4 couples are the Potters, the Weasleys, the Zabinis and the Malfoys. If you all will follow me to your common room". The couples followed McGonagall to their common room which was on the newly added North Tower. Their common room was bright with the wide open windows, they had 4 deep blue loveseats in a half circle in the room around a large beautiful fireplace bearing Red, green, and blue to bring house unity. The 4 couples were in awe at how beautiful their common room is and they decided to go see what their rooms look like. Draco and Hermione ascended the spiral staircase to find the room marked the Malfoys. They walked up all the way to the top where they found their room at the very top of the tower. They looked at eachother with worry as they would be sharing a bedroom for the rest of their lives. The entered the room and to their surprise it sported both Gryffindor and Slytherin colors. The room consisted of a large 4 post king sized bed with red curtains and Silver satin sheets. There was a large sofa that was big enough to allow someone to sleep on, 'Hmm' Hermione thought 'Draco can sleep on the sofa until im comfortable with sharing a bed with him'. They both absolutley loved their room as it was theirs. "Well, im going to take a shower" said Hermione, "You're sleeping on the couch Malfoy". Draco nodded and set up the sofa with some pillows and blankets. Hermione went into the bathroom and found it sporting the same house unity as their bedroom, she saw red with the letter H embroidered in gold thread on them next to a set of green towels with the letter D in silver thread embroidered into them. They had a shower and a bath that was a small hottub. She enjoyed her shower while Draco slept on the couch. When she got out of the shower she found that all her stuff had been delivered and someone had even laid her pajamas out on the bed for her, but she knew the elves wouldnt have done that so who else had been in the room she thought. The she heard the door open behind her, it was Draco, she only had a towel on because she had forgotten that she and Draco were assigned together. "Oh hey" said Draco "I didnt want to interupt your shower so I went to use the lavatory next to the Great Hall". "Oh" said Hermione "Thankyou for your consideration". "Oh and while you were in the shower our things were delivered, I thought you might want to have clothes laid out for you so i went ahead and did so" Draco said with a smile. "Thank you Malfoy" Hermione said softly as she grabbed her pajamas and headed back to the bathroom to change. When she came back into the room Draco was sitting on the sofa reading. "What are you reading?" Hermione asked, "You may actually be familiar with it, its a Muggle novel i picked up when i visited Muggle London over the summer, Its called Divergent by Veronica Roth there are also 2 other books that I picked up", "I am familiar with that series of books, Ive read all 3" Hermione said with a smile "Im glad you are reading muggle novels Dr-- i mean Malfoy". "Alright" he said putting the book down "Im going to go to bed, classes start tomorrow", "Goodnight Malfoy" Hermione said as she slipped under the covers of the bed and Draco pulled a blanket over himself on the sofa and fell asleep. 


Chapter 2 down!!!! Are you liking the story so far? Im hoping for this to be a longer story so that you lovely people have more to read!

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