Chapter 11- Holidays

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Hermione and Draco woke up around 7 the next morning. "Draco the train leaves at 11 so we need to make sure we have everything for the holiday" Hermione said while getting dressed and ready for the train ride back to Kings Cross. Hermione was excited to be spending christmas with Dracos family. She looked behind her to see Draco dressed and ready to go with his trunk. She missed her parents but hadnt had the chance to tell Draco what happened. "Draco?" she asked "Are you ready to go?", "Yes love I am ready to go!" He replied. "I just have to make sure I have everything for the holidays so I dont have to buy anything else" She said checking her dresser and desk. "Love if you forget something there is no need to worry, you are engaged to a Malfoy now I will buy you anything and everything you could ever possibly need or want." Draco said hugging her and planting a kiss on her lips. "Oh Draco I couldnt possibly ask you to buy me more stuff" Hermione said "Youve already spent so much on me". "Hermione I have no problem spending money on you! You are my future wife and you deserve the absolute best." Draco said. "Alright mister" Hermione said smirking. The finished packing and brought their trunks with them to breakfast. Upon arrival to breakfast they found that their friends had saved them seats. "Draco! Hermione!" Ginny said "Are you excited for the Christmas Holiday?". "We are!" said Hermione, "Im getting to spend it with Draco at the Manor" she continued. "So I was thinking since we are all engaged now how about we go to Diagon Alley a few days after Christmas to shop for wedding gowns and bridesmaids dresses!" Ginny said to the others, "Thats a brilliant idea Ginny!" Pansy said as Luna and Hermione agreed. "Brilliant!" Ginny said smiling, "Just wait for my owl for the date!" They ate breakfast and began heading to the carriages to go to the hogwarts express. Once they arrived at the platform the Hogwarts Express was waiting for them. They all found a compartment together and the train left to return to London for the holiday. Draco and Hermione had their things sent directly to Malfoy Manor and all they had to do was apparate from a secluded area away from the muggles of London. They said goodbye to their friends on the platform and told them they would see them after Christmas. Draco and Hermione walked to the apparation point in Kings Cross. The apparated to Malfoy Manor and walked up to the front door only to be greeted by Narcissa. "Hello Mother" Draco said as he and Hermione walked through the large front door of Malfoy Manor. "Your room is all set up Draco, I even added some things i thought Hermione might enjoy" Narcissa said. "Follow me Hermione and all show you our room" Draco said. He led her up a flight of stairs and down a very long hallway to their room. Narcissa had put up some gryffindor colors in their room to make Hermione feel at home but what she wasnt aware of is that Hermione always wanted to be a slytherin. "So how about we put our stuff away and go meet my mother for lunch" Draco said to Hermione. "Alright, let me put on some comfy clothes first" Hermione said. She changed into her clothes and walked with Draco down to the small private dining room. "I had our elves prepare something simple, a muggle dish known as Grilled cheese and tomato soup." Narcissa said. "Thank you so much Narcissa its one of my favorite dishes" Hermione said excitedly as she dug into her food. "So are how are you both holding up with the marriage law? I know it must be difficult knowing that you didnt get to choose who you wanted to marry" Narcissa asked. "Honestly mother, if it had not been for the law I would not be engaged to this beautiful girl as I would have been to prejudice to have seen past her blood status as a muggleborn" Draco said while smiling at Hermione. "Ah so you are happy that this law has brought you together as a most unlikely pairing given the war status of both of you" Narcissa said happily. "Narcissa" Hermione said after swallowing her food, "I love your son and although we were a very unlikely pairing, your son has matured since we were first attending Hogwarts. I truly am grateful to have been paired with your son", she finished smiling towards Narcissa and then towards Draco. They finished their meal and then headed towards the Malfoy Manor library in search of more information on the soulmate bond and the Malfoy Mark. They had been in the library for hours when Lucius walked in and saw them with mounds of books on the floor and tables. "May I ask what you two are doing?" Lucius asked, "We are trying to find out as much information about the soulmate bond and the Malfoy mark but so far we havent come across anything" Draco said looking upset. "There isnt anything more than what the book your mother sent and what we told you when you visited the Manor a couple months ago" Lucius said looking worried, "Alright father, on another note... Do you happen to know what time it is?" Draco asked politely. "It is 11pm Draco, I suggest you and Hermione get some sleep as I believe your mother has a shopping trip planned for tomorrow" Lucius said. "Oh joy dont I love a long day of shopping with Mother" Draco said with a little bit of sass in his tone. "Oh Draco im sure it will be fun!" Hermione exclaimed as she stood up to walk to bed "Are you coming or not?" she asked. "Im coming" he said and got up to follow her, leaving Lucius alone in the library. "Hermione" Draco said, "Yes Draco?" Hermione replied, "Did you mean what you said earlier about being grateful to have been paired with me?" He asked, "Of course I meant it, I love you more than anything in the world and I cannot wait to have a future with you" She said hugging him and giving him a small kiss. The two walked into their room and began getting ready for bed. They fell asleep in eachothers arms as they were meant to be together.   


I apologize for taking almost 6 months to update! Its been hectic and alot of family things have been going on and I also joined the military and I leave for training in a month for 20 weeks! I sure hope that you all are enjoying my story. Im aware its a little bland and dry in some areas but the good stuff is coming I promise! Hope you continue to read my story as Im sure as hell not a writer so when I get inspiration to write its always fun! Anyway I hope to get a new chapter uploaded tomorrow as well! 

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