Chapter 5- The book

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It was getting closer to Halloween and Hermione was in the library like normal. She hadn't seen Draco since this morning but had a strange feeling that something was wrong. She began to ask her friends if they had seen Draco, none of them had since a few days prior. While she was walking through the corridor she noticed something strange going on outside, it was a group of 5th year students from all houses in a circle around what appeared to be a violent duel going on. Hermione began walking towards the fight when she felt a sharp intense pain in her stomach. She lifted up her shirt to reveal blood as if she had been hit with a curse. She fell to the ground and a couple 5th years saw her and cane rushing over, she was able to catch a glimpse of the duel and realized Draco was lying on the ground bleeding from the same place she was. The 5th years began hitting her with curses and calling her a Mudblood, saying that she didn't deserve to live and neither did her death eater boyfriend. She began to black out, the last thing she saw was Professor McGonagall running towards her followed by Professor Slughorn and Madam Pomfrey.

Harry's POV-
I got word of what happened to Draco and Hermione and informed the others as I rushed to the hospital wing. 'Oh merlin' I thought 'What the hell happened'. "Harry!" The others yelled as they came running towards me while I stood between Hermione and Draco's beds. "What happened?!" They asked, "Draco was getting cursed by some 5th years and Hermione found them and they cursed her as well" I said. Madam Pomfrey walked over to us and said that only 2 people are allowed to stay but the rest must leave. We decided that I would stay for Hermione and Blaise would stay for Draco, they agreed that if either of the 2 started waking up that they would inform the rest. After the others left, Professor McGonagall walked in and requested to talk to the Blaise and I in the hallway. "Draco was hit with Crucio multiple times in the chest and someone also hit him with Professor Snape's sectumsempra, it appeared that Hermione was also hit with crucio but not with sectumsempra but she has the wounds for it. I'm not sure how that is but I have already expelled those 5th years and they are on their way to Azkaban as we speak. Please inform me once Mr.Malfoy and Ms.Granger have woken up" McGonagall said, "Yes Professor, we will make sure that you are informed" Blaise and I said.

2 Weeks later

Still Harry's POV-
I was sitting between Draco and Hermione's beds as Blaise needed to get some sleep so I offered to watch Draco for him. I was reading up on the damages that Crucio can cause if used multiple times on a witch or wizard when I heard a noise, "Harry" a very weak voice said, I turned to look at Hermione and found her eyes open. I sent a patronus to the rest of our friends telling them that Hermione was waking up. "Harry what happened? Where am I? Where's Draco? Is he alright I saw some 5th years cursing him!" Hermione asked frantically as she tried to sit up, "Hermione stop" I said "Everything is alright, Draco hasn't woken up yet" I said as the others rushed in followed by Professor McGonagall. "Oh Hermione! I'm so glad you're alright" Ginny said. "The last thing I remember was getting hit with Crucio and something else and then I blacked out" Hermione said once she sat up and drank some pumpkin juice "How long have I been asleep?" She asked worried. "Hermione" I said "You've been asleep for 2 weeks, we began to think you weren't ever going to wake up", "Oh god, and Draco is still asleep? It's a miracle that I woke up but he got hit with so much more than I did, he may never wake up" Hermione said crying. Then we heard another weak voice "Hermione? Where's my Hermione?"  It came from Draco, he was waking up too. "Oh thank Merlin" McGonagall said "They are both waking up!" , "Draco??" Hermione said wiping the tears from her eyes "Yes Hermione it's me" Draco said, "Thank Merlin you're alright!" She said.

Back to Hermione/Draco's POVs

"Well how long was I out for?" Draco said "The last thing I remember was seeing Hermione getting hit by those bloody 5th years", "Draco, we've been asleep for over 2 weeks", "Really?" He said, "Yes" she replied. "Well" he said, "wait how did you know where I was?" He asked, "I'm not sure, I was in the library when I got a feeling that something was terribly wrong and I needed to come find you. So I left the library and once I found where they were cursing you to death I felt this sharp pain in my stomach and looked down to see a ton of blood pouring down" She said, "the 5th years hadn't even noticed I was there so I couldn't have gotten hit but it was right after they hit you with Sectumsempra that I felt this pain and next thing I knew I was covered in blood" she explained. "Hermione" Draco said, "Ive seen this before in a book in my family's library back at Malfoy Manor, it's called the soulmate bond" he said, "This only happens when a  witch or wizard finds their true soulmate and becomes close to them as you and I have with each other". "Wow that's insane I've never heard of that before, but given the circumstances it makes sense" She said thinking. "Let me send my mother a letter and see if she can send us the book and we can read up on it" Draco said "That sounds great!" Hermione said. They talked to their friends before Madam Pomfrey kicked them out so Draco and Hermione could sleep and be discharged from the hospital in the morning.

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