Chapter 6- Hogsmead pt 2

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Hermione and Draco recovered from their run in with the 5th years. The decided to press charges against all of them for hate against a war hero and a reformed death eater. Narcissa Malfoy, Draco's mother, had mailed the soulmate book to them so they could study what kind of bond was between them. "So it says here that when someone meets their soulmate that a bond is created that allows the other to feel what their soulmate is feeling both physically and emotionally" Hermione said as she looked at Draco, "So that must be why you knew something was wrong and then when you got closer to me you felt the pain I felt when I got hit with sectumsempra" Draco said as he lay next to her in their bed. They decided that it was time to start sharing a bed. "That's odd", Hermione said "It says here that the more time the soulmates spend with each other the stronger the connection gets... it says that if one of the soulmates dies that it very well could kill the other if the connection is at full strength", "I remember reading that as a child Hermione, I believe it also states that the connection only begins when the person turns 16, that must explain why when I got punched by you in our 3rd year you didnt feel any pain only joy because you had just punched me in the face" Draco said looking embarrassed. "Oh it's alright Draco" Hermione said smiling "You deserved the punch, you wanted buckbeak dead after Hagrid said don't provoke him" She also said laughing. Draco laughed because he regretted pressing charges against Buckbeak because he knew it was his fault the Hippogriff attacked him. Draco and Hermione continued to search for answers regarding the soulmate thing as classes continued. The professors decided to make a new table in the now bigger great hall to accommodate the couples so they could sit together. Draco and Hermione were top in their class still because they were able to help each other with school work when the other was struggling in a class. It was almost Halloween at Hogwarts and it was almost time for the next Hogsmead trip. Hermione and Draco sat down with their friends at the newly added couples table. "Are you guys excited for the next Hogsmead trip?" Hermione asked the others, "I am" said Luna "I was hoping all of us could meet at the Three Broomsticks for lunch during the shopping day!", "That sounds great Luna!" Ginny, Hermione, and Pansy said in unison. "Brilliant!" Luna said with a smile. "I was thinking as well" Draco said, "How about the ladies go shopping separately from the guys and then we meet at the Three Broomsticks around 3 for lunch", "We like that idea" the girls said smiling, "Girls day!!". "Brilliant idea mate" Blaise said to Draco, "Yea mate I like the idea" Harry and Ron agreed. "Brilliant! So it's settled we leave around 11 from the school and spend the day in Hogsmead!" Draco said smiling. Draco had plans of getting Hermione something special and he needed to make sure she didn't see. The weekend came by faster than you can say expelliarmus. The girls decided to get ready in Hermione's room because she had the bigger bathroom, they kicked Draco out and sent him to Harry's room. The girls put on comfy and warm clothes to go to Hogsmead. They all met in the common area of their 4 rooms and set out to the carriages that would take them to Hogsmead. Once there the boys split off from the girls so that they could do their own thing. 

Boys POV:

"Alright mates, I'm planning on proposing to Luna on Halloween and I need the perfect ring will you guys help me find it?" Blaise said as soon as they were out of earshot from the girls, "Of course!" Draco, Ron, and Harry replied. "I know of a lovely jewelry shop in Hogsmead, Its called The Velvet Box" Draco said, "I came here to buy a Christmas present for my mother in 5th year", "That sounds great" Blaise and the others answered "What shop is it near? We dont want to risk being spotted by the girls". "Its over by Hogs Head, I dont believe the girls will be over there today, I overheard Hermione talking about going to Honeydukes and Gladrags Wizardwear" Draco said smirking. "Well lets go mates, we only have a few hours till we meet the girls at The Three Broomsticks" Blaise said impatiently. 

Girls POV:

"So where do you want to go first" Hermione asked, "How about Honeydukes?" Ginny said "Ive been wanting to get Harry some sweets". "Sounds great" Hermione, Luna and Pansy said as they started in the direction of Honeydukes. They arrived at Honeydukes and spend the next hour and a half looking at all of the candy options. "I think im going to get Harry some pumpkin pasties and toffees" Ginny said excitedly as she went to purchase the candy. "I think ill do the same" Pansy said "But im going to add droobles because Ron loves them" as she went to purchase her candy, "Im not sure if Blaise likes candy" Luna said sadly, "Nonsense Luna, Blaises favorites are Chocolate wands and Acid pops" Pansy said with a smile as she handed Luna the candies, "Thank you Pansy!" Luna said as she walked to purchase her sweets. "Pansy, you wouldnt happen to know what Draco likes would you?" Hermione asked, "He likes anything thats chocolate accept the chocolate frogs" Pansy said, "Between you and me, Hes afraid of the chocolate frogs because one of them jumped on his face as a child" She said giggling. "Thank you Pansy" Hermione said smiling as she walked to the counter to purchase the candies for Draco. 


Boys POV:

"Alright, I need the perfect engagement ring for Luna" Blaise said "I know blue really compliments her eyes but then again so does purple, what do you guys think?", "I think blue would look amazing" Harry said, "I have to agree with potter, blue definitely compliments Luna" Draco said, "Hmm, absolutely blue!" Ron said agreeing with Draco and Harry. "Alright! Thanks guys!" Blaise said as he made his way to the blue stone section. Draco decided to get Hermione a necklace and and engagement ring even though he wasn't planning on proposing till around Christmas time, "Hey guys, I want to get Hermione an engagement ring as well" Draco said, "Im not proposing till around Christmas time but since we are all here would you all help me find one as well" He said, "Of course mate!" They said, "Great! Do you all know her favorite color, she told me Emerald green but I wasn't sure if that was just to show Slytherin pride considering her soon to be husband is a Slytherin", "Actually Malfoy, she was telling the truth" Harry said smiling, "Really?" Draco said, "Really, her dream when she got her Hogwarts letter was to be a Slytherin despite its bad reputation" Harry said, "She confessed it to us in our 4th year when I got put into the Triwizard tournament, she was afraid that we wouldn't love her because she didn't want to be in Gryffindor, but you know the sorting hat is always right" Draco was shocked when he heard that Hermione had wanted to be in Slytherin, He got the biggest smile on his face and decided to head to the green gem section in search for the perfect necklace and engagement ring. He decided on a beautiful dark green multi-gem necklace and a simple sterling silver ring with a diamond cut dark emerald green gem. Ron decided to pick out an engagement ring for Pansy, a simple yet elegant purple gem on a sterling silver ring base.

Sometime later at Honeydukes....

"So did you boys have a good day" Ginny asked as she kissed Harry, "Yea we had a great day!" Draco said smiling. "Good" Hermione said. They all drank butterbeer and firewhiskey and had a great end to their day and began to head back to the castle. Hermione enjoyed a nice calming bath while Draco got her necklace ready, He had decided to ask her to be his girlfriend since they had not begun dating yet. Hermione finished her bath and walked out of the bathroom dressed for bed. "Draco?" she asked, "What do you have there?" "Well" Draco said "I figured now would be the best time to ask but will you be my girlfriend" He asked as he presented her with the necklace. "Oh Draco" she squealed "Yes of course!" She hugged him tightly. She laid the necklace on her desk as she was going to wear it tomorrow and show it off to everyone. They crawled into bed and cuddled till they fell asleep. 


Sorry it took me so long to update!! I have finals coming up and they are kicking my butt! Its ok though Im sure i can pass! So all the rings and Hermiones necklace will be on the neck section! I hope you guys liked this chapter!!

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