Chapter 8- Malfoy Manor

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It was the morning of the day that Hermione and Draco would be visiting Malfoy Manor. "Love" Draco said "Its time to wake up and get ready to see my parents". Hermione woke up to see Draco leaning over her with a smile on his face, "Good Morning Draco" she said as she kissed him softly on the lips. They began getting ready to go to the manor. Hermione began putting on the dress Draco had bought her at the beginning of the year. "Love, you know you dont have to dress up... my mother said it was to be casual" Draco said to Hermione, "Oh I know Draco, Its just that the only time I met your mother is when Bellatrix left me with a nice reminder of my muggleborn blood" She said as she clicked her fingers to reveal perfectly done hair and a natural makeup look. "Well in that case love" Draco said as he clicked his fingers and his casual outfit turned into his sleek black suit with a red tie to match her dress. As Hermione was collecting her clutch with mascara and lipstick in it so she could touch up at the Manor there was a tapping at the window. Hermione opened the window and a small owl about the size of Rons owl Pigwidgeon came fluttering in with a small note attached to its leg. Hermione opened the note and it read...

Hermione and Draco,

Please see me before you go to Malfoy Manor. I will be in my classroom.

Minerva McGonagall

"Draco!" Hermione called "We need to go see McGonagall before we go to your parents house", "Alright Love!" Draco replied "Im ready, so if you are we can leave", "Im ready! Lets go see McGonagall". They headed towards the transfiguration classroom to talk to McGonagall. "Professor?" Hermione said as she walked through the door, "Ah yes! Hermione and Draco come in!" McGonagall said after she turned back into a person from a cat. "I have lifted the anti-apparation charms for the day, Just walk to the courtyard and you may apparate from there! Just dont let any of the others see you do it or else ill have students apparating in and out all day" McGonagall said. "Will do professor!" They replied as they walked out of her classroom towards the courtyard. They apparated to Malfoy Manor and Hermiones eyes widened as she looked at the very large manor. The last time she had been to Malfoy Manor was during the wizarding war, she had obtained a lovely scar from Draco's Aunt Bellatrix. Now it was beautiful with lovely flower gardens and bright colors as far as the eye could see. They approached the front door of the Manor when Narcissa opened the door. "Draco! Hermione!" she said excitedly "Ive been looking forward to your visit come in please!" she continued while inviting them into the house. The house was large but very beautiful, definitely a change from the last time she had been here. "Hello Mrs.Malfoy" Hermione said smiling, "Hello Hermione! And please call me Narcissa!" Narcissa replied smiling. "For your return back would you prefer to apparate or to travel by floo powder?" She asked Hermione and Draco. "I think we will apparate Mother!" Draco replied. "Perfect!" She replied, "How about you show Hermione around while I go get your Father from his study" she said. Draco began showing Hermione around a small part of the very large Manor which she would get to see at a later date. "Follow me Hermione" Draco said smiling "This is my room" he continued as they walked into a room that was bigger than the Charms classroom. Draco's room was decorated in green and silver as expected from a Slytherin. His sheets were silk and he had a black 4 post king sized bed. "Wow Draco this room is amazing, Its much bigger than mine back home" Hermione said. "Well Love, my parents have alot of inherited money even though they fought alongside Voldemort" Draco replied looking at Hermione. "Draco! Hermione!" Narcissa called out "Come to the west dining room!". "Coming Mother!" Draco yelled back. The walked into the dining room where Narcissa and Lucius were waiting. "Hello Hermione!" Lucius said smiling, "Hello Mr.Malfoy!" she replied, "Oh please just call me Lucius" He said smiling. "So as I understand it you two have experienced the Malfoy family mark" Narcissa said. They both nodded. "Can I see the marks?" she asked. Hermione and Draco lifted their shirts enough to show Narcissa the marks. "I see, well sit down and let me tell you the history of this mark" she said. "This is the mark of the Malfoy family. The mark only appears when the couple truly love each other and are soulmates. Since you both have experienced the soulmate connection it was only a matter of time before the mark showed up. Unfortunately your father and I had an arranged marriage and we never got the chance to find our soulmates, we do however love each other it's just not as strong as the love you and Hermione feel for each other" Narcissa explained. "So this mark means than Hermione and I truly love each other" Draco asked. "Yes that means that you and Hermione were meant to be from the beginning" Narcissa said with a smile. Draco thought for a second as he realized that even though he tormented Hermione constantly throughout school he was still going to end up with her. He thought about the scar that his mental aunt gave Hermione in the sealed dining room of his manor and got a chill. "Narcissa?" Hermione said "How come we never knew from our first year at Hogwarts that we were destined to be together?" "Well Hermione as im sure you have already read, the soulmate connection does not begin till age 16 as well as Draco having been raised by Lucius and I we taught him from a very young age that Pureblood wizards are better than halfbloods or muggleborns such as yourself" Narcissa explained "We have recently realized that pure bloods are not better than anyone and anyone with magical blood is special and deserves to be respected" she finished. "That makes loads more sense now because of the soulmate connection began at an earlier age than when I punched your son in the face in 3rd year I would have been able to feel it" Hermione said laughing. "She punched you in the face Draco?" Lucius asked, "Yes father she did" Draco replied "Buckbeak the hippogriff that attacked me was going to be executed and I was being a prat and she punched me, I deserved it that's why I didn't owl you about it" Draco finished. A few more hours went by when Draco and Hermione realized the time and decided to head back to the castle. "It was very nice meeting you both in better circumstances than last time" Hermione said as she gave a farewell hug to Narcissa and Lucius. "Same to you as well dear" Narcissa replied. "Goodbye Mother and Father" Draco said giving his parents a hug. They walked down the front walkway and disapparated back to the castle. They got ready for bed and climbed in, almost immediately falling asleep after their long day at Malfoy Manor.

Sorry it's taken so long to update I've been sick! I hope y'all like this chapter!

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