Chapter 10- The Winter Ball

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It was the morning of the ball, Draco and Hermione were asleep. At around 10 am the girls knocked on their door so that Ginny, Pansy, Luna and Hermione could use Hermiones room to get ready. They spent the next several hours doing hair and makeup and getting dressed for the ball. Pansy insisted upon doing everyone's makeup and Ginny wanted to do hair. They finished getting ready with and hour and a half to spare. "Is anyone hungry?" Pansy asked, "Yes" they rest said simultaneously, "Alright, Ill get Ron to get us food from the kitchens" Pansy continued. Pansy opened the door so as to not allow the boys to see the girls and called out for Ron, "Ron" she called "Could you be a dear and bring us some food?", "Of course love ill be back soon" Ron said as he left the common room to head for the kitchens. About 10 minutes later Ron returned with some food and gave it to pansy through the door.

Boys POV from Harrys room

"Ok so the signal Im going to give at the ball is that I am going to tell Hermione that I need to use the lavatory and Blaise you'll come with me. Potter and Weasley I need you to keep Hermione with you and under no circumstances is she to follow me" Draco said to the guys, "I am going to find McGonagall and retrieve the ring and once 2 songs have passed you lot will see what surprise I have planned but I need you to keep Hermione with you please" He finished. "Alright mate, Ron and I have Hermione covered as long as you and Zabini do what you need to do". "Hey mates, we have 10 minutes till we should be heading down to the ball we should go to the common room and wait for the ladies" Blaise said. They guys headed to the common room to wait for the ladies


The girls fixed their lipstick after eating and took one more look in the mirror before walking out into the common room. They found the boys all dressed up sitting on the couches in the common room. Draco looked right at Hermione and his jaw hit the floor and he was speechless. "You ladies look absolutely beautiful" Harry said as he held out his arm to Ginny. Draco held his arm out to Hermione and they all began walking towards the great hall. They got to the dance before the music started and McGonagall decided to say a few things. "Good Evening everyone, Id like to start by saying im very happy that most of the couples are getting along as I know it is not easy to love someone you have been forced to marry. I hope this dance may allow some people to take their relationships one step further, anyway enough of me talking enjoy the dance!" she finished and the music started. Draco was a very good dancer as his parents held pureblood balls almost every summer. Draco offered his hand to Hermione and they walked to the dance floor. Draco put his hand on her waist and held her hand up with his and they danced, gliding across the floor as if they were floating. They danced for a few songs and then went to talk with their friends. "Hey guys" Hermione said as they approached the others, "Hello Hermione" Harry said smiling "Are you enjoying the dance?" he asked, "Of course!" Hermione said "Draco is an amazing dancer!". Draco smiled at his little gryffindor thinking about how tonight he was going to propose to someone whom he never thought he would care about. "Hey im going to use the lavatory" Draco said looking at the guys "Ill be back in a bit". Harry, Ron and Blaise recognized his signal and Blaise said "Im gonna come too, this pumpkin juice is taking its toll". "Ok Draco!" Hermione said "Ill just hangout here!". Draco and Blaise began walking away and Draco looked over at McGonagall and she nodded and walked out the great hall doors. Draco and Blaise walked out those same doors to meet McGonagall in the corridor. "Have you got the ring professor?" Draco asked, "Yes Mr.Malfoy here it is". McGonagall took out the emerald ring with the silver band that he had bought a few months prior. "The band already knows that you will be utilizing the stage after they play 2 more songs Mr.Malfoy", "Thank you for everything professor" Draco said smiling. "It was no problem Draco, I know this new law came as a shock to all of you this year and it is my job as Headmistress of Hogwarts to make sure you know you are supported" McGonagall said giving Draco a small hug, "You and Ms.Granger will make a wonderful couple". 2 more songs went by all while Blaise and Draco waited in the corridor. "You ready mate?" Blaise asked, "Yeah man just nervous... what if she says no" Draco said nervously, "Look at it this way mate if she says no then you both get your wands snapped but if she says yes then you will live happily for the rest of your lives" Blaise said trying to console Draco. "Well mate its now or never" Draco said as he headed back towards the great hall. He walked around people so he wasnt seen by Hermione but so that Harry and Ron would see him. He caught the eye of Harry who nodded and proceeded to ask Hermione if she'd like to dance. Draco got to the side of the stage where the band was playing and straightened his tie and fixed his robes. He then walked onto stage and the band started playing a slow and quiet song. "Can I have everyones attention please?" Draco said confidently. Everyone stopped dancing and turned to look at him. "As you know I am Draco Malfoy ex-deatheater, I was forced to side with Voldemort because if I didnt my family and I would be killed. I was given a second chance by being asked to return to Hogwarts which is something I never thought possible. I like everyone in this room was mortified by the new law but learned that it isnt as bad as I thought. I was put in an unlikely pairing with War Hero Hermione Granger who I was to stupid to realize in earlier years that she is an amazing woman. I may be from a pure-blood line but blood status shouldnt matter when you really love someone like how I love Hermione. I want to have a long happy life with you Hermione. So Hermione Jean Granger will you do me the amazing honor of Marrying me?" Draco finished and pulled out the ring. Everyone gasped and turned to Hermione who was completely speechless. 'Oh my god.... He just asked me to marry him in front of everyone' Hermione thought. Hermione proceeded to run towards him yelling yes multiple times. Everyone clapped and congratulated the newly engaged couple. "Draco your speech was amazing, Im so happy we were paired together" Hermione said hugging Draco. "It came from my heart love, I meant every word" Draco said as they continued to dance. They stayed at the dance for another hour before they retired to bed. Hermione took a quick shower and got into her pajamas and Draco did the same. They were going to be spending the holiday at Malfoy Manor so they packed their trunks before going to bed. They got into bed happy with how the night had turned out. "Goodnight Hermione" Draco said giving Hermione a small kiss on the lips, "Goodnight Draco" Hermione said returning the favor. They fell asleep shortly after. 


Im so happy they are finally engaged!!! Did you guys enjoy this chapter!!! This is one of my favorites so far!! More Dramione action coming in the near future. 

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