Chapter 3- First day of Classes

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Draco and Hermione woke up and began getting ready for classes. They made their way down to the great hall to eat breakfast and collect their schedules. Draco sat down as the Slytherin table with Blaise and Pansy while Hermione went and got their schedules. When she examined the schedules, she realized that she and Draco had all of their classes together. While eating in the Great Hall, McGonagall made an announcement, "All the students I spoke with last night in accordance to the new Law, you all will not be required to take your Newts but instead once you graduate, the ministry is allowing you to pick your jobs with pardon of not having to complete your Newts". 'Well' thought Hermione 'I guess they want us to be focused on marrying and reproducing'. She walked to the Slytherin table to give Draco his schedule before going to sit with her own friends at the Gryffindor table. She sat down at the table and began talking to Harry, Ron and Ginny about the previous night. "So how were your nights with your partners" Hermione asked hestitently. "It was amazing" Harry and Ginny said in unison, "She made me sleep on the bloody sofa" Ron said pouting, "Its alright ron, i made Malfoy sleep on the sofa last night" Hermione said with a smirk. "Alright you guys, its time to go to class we dont want to be late on our first day back" Ginny said smiling. 

Granger, Hermione




-Defense Against the Dark Arts

Hermione began walking to potions when Draco caught up to her, "Where are you going Granger?' he asked "Im on my way to potions" she replied "We have the same classes all year". Hermione and Draco walked to potions which happened to be their only class that day. "Alright class" Professor Slughorn said "We will be brewing Amortentia, it is the most powerful love potion in existence. Can anyone tell me what it does?" Hermione raised her hand, "Yes Ms.Granger" he said as he called on her, "It is special because when you smell it, it smells like what that specific person most desires". "Very good Ms.Granger!" Slughorn said with a smile "Alright, you all have and hour and a half to brew a respectable batch of Amortentia, you will be brewing it with your partners whom have already been chosen by the Ministry". Draco and Hermione opened their potions books and began gathering the ingredients and supplies needed to brew their batch. They talked throughout the class while making their potion, trying to learn more about eachother. After the time was up they were asked to tell the class what they smell. "I smell fresh parchment, toothpaste, and draco..." Hermione said pausing and looking at him with a small smile. "Alright Draco you next", "I smell freshly fallen snow, apples, and Hermione" Draco said returning the smile. "Very good you two!" Slughorn said with a nervous smile. The rest of the couples took turns reciting what they smell but none of them had the scent of their partner in their list of scents. Potions was done for the day so that meant Hermione and Draco had the rest of the day to do whatever they wanted. Draco headed back towards their common area and Hermione followed. "Malfoy! Wait" Hermione said running. "What is it Granger?" Draco said confused. "I was wondering if you would like to go sit by the black lake with me?" Hermione said with a smile, "Sure Granger, how about we change into something other than our robes since we are done with classes for today" Draco said with a smile. 

They got to the their room and changed before heading to the black lake for a afternoon of getting to know eachother. 

"Whats your favorite color?" Draco asked

"Dark Green" Hermione replied knowing she was going to get sass since her favorite color is Slytherins color

"Hmm Slythering pride i see Granger?"  Draco said with a smirk

"Well whats your favorite color then Malfoy?" Hermione asked 

"Honestly its a Deep blood red" Draco said blushing

"AHA!" Hermione said "Gryffindor pride Malfoy!"

They laughed and talked the afternoon away until the sun began to set, they knew dinner would be soon and neither of them wanted to miss it. They began walking back towards the castle when they ran into a group of Gryffindor 3rd years. "Did you hear what the ministry is making the 6th and 7th years do?" One of the gryffindors said to the others, "I know! Its downright mad!" Another said. "I know a few of the 7th year couples, do you wanna hear them?" Another student said, "Go ahead, I want to know!" The first gryffindor said, "Everyone knows Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley were paired together, but did you know that Ron Weasley  A WAR HERO was paired with Pansy Parkinson the bitchy Slytherin deatheater??" The gryffindor said "Bloody Hell, why would they do that?? They fought on opposite sides of the war!" The 2nd gryffindor said disgusted, "Thats not the worst pairing" the other student said "Well whats the worst pairing? You can't get much worse than a Gryffindor war hero paired with a Slytherin deatheater!" The first student said "The worst pairing is also between a Gryffindor war Hero and a Slytherin death eater" the student telling the story said "Well the only war hero left if Hermione Granger! Who was she paired with??" they asked in unison. Draco and Hermione were around a stone pillar listening in on the conversation, "They paired Hermione Granger with bloody Draco Malfoy! Hes been calling her a fucking mudblood since their 2nd year! Everyone knows about his pureblood supremacy mentality!" He said, "I wonder how Hermione is holding up, she has to marry a bloody fucking deatheater!". Draco had enough of these bloody 3rd years making him seem bad so he emerged from the shadows. "Well if you ask me, I think Hermione is enjoying herself in our relationship. Arranged or not she still means alot to me and personally, im not going to take abuse from some bloody 3rd years who hid from the fight last year instead of helping to defeat Voldemort and his bloody fucking deatheaters!" Draco said angerly as he approached the now very frightened 3rd years. "H.. how.. how mmmuchh of ourrr conversationn did you hhhearrr??" One of the 3rd years managed to stutter out "I heard enough to make me very angry that you would disrespect me or Hermione" Draco said loudly, "So i suggest you 4 get yourselves back to the dorm before i hex you all into next bloody week!" He said even louder than before. Hermione looking surprised that he would stand up for her, "Wow, Draco, I cant believe you stood up for me..." She said, her eyes become brighter, "Anything for my future wife" Draco said softly as they made their way into the castle. 

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