Chapter 4- Hogsmead

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Hermione was laying in bed reading Hogwarts: A History for the thousandth time since she recieved her Hogwarts acceptance letter when she was 11. Draco was asleep on the sofa where he had been sleeping for the last month. Although he had stood up for her and they seemed to get along just fine, she couldnt bring herself to sleep in the same bed as him. Suddenly there was a tap on the window. She opened the window to find a tiny owl who belonged to Harry, she was a replacement to Hedwig who was killed when Harry was moved from Number 4 Privet Drive to the Burrow. It was a letter addressed to her and Draco. It read,

Dear Hermione and Draco,

Ginny and I have something to tell you. Meet us in the Three Broomsticks at 3pm during our trip to Hogsmead today.

Much love,

Harry and Ginny

'Hmm' Hermione thought 'I wonder what they have to tell us'. Hermione finished the page she was reading and proceded to wake Draco up as it was already 11am. "Draco" she said as she ripped his blanket off to reveal his sleek and muscular pale body, he must have taken his shirt off at some point during the night because he was only in his boxers. Hermione blushed and quickly ran to the bathroom in hopes that he didnt see her bright red cheeks. She washed her face and did her hair quickly into a messy but cute bun and then went to open the door when she was met with a very finely dressed Draco. "Well you look nice" she said shocked as the was under the impression this was just a casual trip to hogsmead. He moved his arms from out behind his back to reveal a dark green cocktail dress with matching shoes. "Wear this today" He said smiling, "Isnt this just a casual trip to Hogsmead?" she asked "No, you and I are going to have some fun before we meet up with Potter and Weaslette" He said with the biggest smirk Hermione had ever seen. "Why do I have to wear this dress, it's below freezing outside!" Hermione said, "That's why you cast a warming charm on yourself" Draco said "Meet me in the common room in 10 minutes!"
Hermione changed into her dress and did her hair and makeup with a snap of her finger, she had spent the last 2 years studying wandless magic so that she didn't need her wand all the time. Hermione walked out of the bathroom to find Draco reading his muggle novel again. "Alright I'm ready to go!" Hermione said smiling. They walked to the castle gates, "I persuaded McGonagall to lift the anti-apparation charm so we can apparate to hogsmead if you'd like to" Draco said, "Actually Draco... id like to walk, it's always so beautiful this time of year" Hermione said smiling, "Alright Hermione, we will walk then!" Draco said smiling. They walked to Hogsmead and began shopping around. "Hermione, there's a shop I'd like to take you to if that's alright" Draco said smirking, "Alright, let's go then! We have an hour and a half before we need to meet Ginny and Harry at the Three Broomsticks" Hermione said as she followed Draco into this jewelry shop. "Consider this a Birthday gift since your birthday is tomorrow" Draco said smiling, "How did you know my birthday is tomorrow?" Hermione asked as she browsed the emerald green jewelry section, "I asked Potter at the beginning of the term" Draco said. "Oh alright! So what am I allowed to get, I don't want to break your vault" Hermione asked, "Hermione, no matter the circumstances of our relationship we still must be married before the end of term and I want you to know that I care very much about you, choose whatever you would like! My money is your money!" Draco said proudly, "Ok!" Hermione said overjoyed as she no longer had to be careful what she did around Draco. Hermione chose a beautiful pair of emerald earrings for 750 galleons. It was 15 minutes before they had to meet with Harry and Ginny so they made their way to the Three Broomsticks. They found Harry and Ginny already sitting in a large booth that could fit 8-10 people. "Why such a big booth? Isn't it just Draco and I that you are meeting?" Hermione asked, "Actually no, we've invited Pansy, Ron, Luna and Blaise as well" Harry said smiling as the other 4 walked in. Ginny walked up to the bar to order 8 drinks while the others got settled in the booth. "I hope firewhiskey is alright with everyone" Ginny said as she came back with the drink. "Just fine!" Everyone replied. "So I bet all of you are wondering why we've invited you here today" Harry said smiling at Ginny, "Well we wanted all of you to know that we are engaged!" Ginny said as she held out her left hand to reveal an engagement ring, Diamond cut Ruby with a sterling silver ring. "CONGRATULATIONS GINNY" Hermione screamed as she jumped out of her seat to hug Ginny. Ginny and Harry got the same reactions from everyone except Ron who's face was turning a beet red. "Ron are you alright?" Pansy asked, "Ginny... she's too young to be married... even if it is to my best friend Harry" Ron said almost in tears, "Weasel" Draco said "Ill admit she is too young to be married but so are the rest of us, but the Ministry is forcing us or else our wands will be snapped. There's no other way" Draco continued, "Draco is right Ron, there's no other way so just be happy for Ginny just like how she will be happy for you once you and Pansy are engaged" Hermione said smiling. "Yeah, you're right Hermione." Ron said smiling back again. After another hour and 3 rounds of firewhiskey, the 8 of them decided to head back to the castle.
Hey you guys!! Are you liking my story so far??? It's gonna get better! I promise! Anyway Ginny's Engagement ring is at the beginning of the chapter! And below are Hermiones Emerald earrings!

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