Chapter 7- Halloween

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It was the day before Halloween and Hermione and Draco had just woken up. "Good Morning my sweet Lea" Draco said smiling, "What do you mean Lea?" Hermione asked, "Well it means female lion and since you are my little Gryffindor I figured i could call you that" Draco said. "Its very nice Draco but theres something I need to tell you" Hermione said, "What is it beautiful?" Draco said concerned. "Well when I was 11 and recieved my Hogwarts letter, naturally I decided to research as much as I could on the school" She said as Draco listened "Well, while I was reading in Hogwarts: A History, I came across the chapter on the different houses and reading up on them I decided I wasnt brave enough to be a Gryffindor, I wasnt clever enough to be a Ravenclaw, and I wasnt outgoing enough to be a Hufflepuff but when I came across the part about Slytherin I decided I would fit perfectly into Slytherin but the sorting hat put me in Gryffindor which I thought was odd" She said softly "So I wanted to be a Slytherin not a Gryffindor". Draco looked shocked even though Harry had told him the day before about her wanting to be a Slytherin, "I had no idea Hermione!" Draco said excitedly, "Thats amazing! Although not to sound rude or anything but I believe the sorting hat only puts Pure-bloods and Half-bloods into Slytherin because of Salizar Slytherin's beliefs", "Oh I know" Hermione said smiling, "Thats why I hope to raise a little Slytherin when you and I have children". Draco began smiling as he knew with the Malfoy name at least one of his children would be in Slytherin house. "Hermione" Draco said, "Yes Draco?" she replied as she began to get out of bed "How many Children would you like to have? Its up to you as you are the one who will be giving birth" Draco asked, "Hmm, Ive always dreamed of who my kids would be and who their father would be. Obviously not knowing about the marriage law and us being paired together. I want at least 3 children" Hermione said proudly, "At least 3?" Draco asked, "Does that mean you would want to have more if we decided?", "Yes Draco" she replied "I dont mind having more than 3 children" He smiled at her answer knowing that once they married and graduated from Hogwarts he would be given Malfoy Manor with his inheritance and plenty of rooms to accomidate as many children as Hermione wanted. They got out of bed and headed down to the Great Hall to get breakfast. Hermione had taken a liking to Green apples just like Draco. She grabbed an apple and some oatmeal and sat down next to Draco who had taken a seat with Blaise, Luna, Ron, Pansy, Harry, and Ginny. "So guess what everyone!" Hermione said, "What?" they all replied, "Draco asked me to be his girlfriend last night!!" She squealed. "YAY!!" Ginny shouted which drew attention from the other students in the Great Hall. "Im so happy for you guys!" The rest of the group said. They made their way back to their rooms. Draco and Hermione decided to research more about the soulmate connection they had. They spent the rest of the day laying in bed and reading up on their soulmate connection before Hermione when to take a bath and get ready for bed. Draco took his bath after her and they both fell asleep. 

Halloween Day...

"Good Morning Draco" Hermione said sweetly as she kissed his cheek, "Good Morning beautiful" Draco replied as he kissed her lips. Draco and Hermione slowly woke up and got ready to go to their potions class today. Once there they sat down and waited for Slughorn to show up and tell them what potion they would be making. "Good Morning class" Slughorn said as he walked into the room, "Today you all will be brewing the Polyjuice Potion, can anyone tell me what this potion does?" Almost as soon as the question left Slughorn's mouth Hermione, Harry and Ron all shot their hands up. "Oh goodie! Some other hands besides Ms.Grangers!" Slughorn said "Ah Mr.Potter can you tell me what Polyjuice potion does?", "Yes sir" Harry said proudly "It allows the drinker to temporarily turn into another persons physical form!". "Right you are Harry! 15 points to Gryffindor!" Hermione and Draco spent the rest of class brewing the potion but Hermione already knew how to brew it since she had taken the liberty of brewing it in 2nd year to find out if Draco was the heir of Slytherin. "How is it that you know exactly how to make this potion Hermione?" Draco asked "We've never made it before". "Promise me you wont get mad if i tell you why i know how to make this potion"She said with a nervous smile, "I promise love, I wont get mad" Draco said. "Well I made this potion in our 2nd year so that way Harry, Ron and I could temporarily turn into Crabbe, Goyle, and Bulestrode to find out if you were the heir of Slytherin during the chamber of secrets thing we had to deal with" She said smiling, "So thats why Crabbe and Goyle were acting strange that night!" He said laughing "Because they werent actually Crabbe and Goyle they were Harry and Ron", "Well im glad you arent mad that we did that to sneak into the Slytherin common room" Hermione said. They finished potions and left to go to the library to see if there were any more books on soulmate connections. They looked for hours and even got permission from Madam Pince to look in the restricted section but found nothing. Soon it was time for the Halloween Feast. Draco knew that Blaise would propose to Luna tonight during dinner so he pursuaded Hermione to dress up a bit for dinner. They arrived at dinner to find all of their friends already sitting down. Professor McGonagall made a speech and then all of the food magically appeared on the tables like usual. Blaise got up and went to tell McGonagall something after everyone was finished eating. McGonagall stood up and quieted everyone down, "Attention students, Blaise Zabini 7th year has something he would like to say" She called out across the great hall, "Hello everyone" Blaise began "So as you all know the 6th and 7th years were placed with a partner they would have to wed before the end of the school year and reproduce with as well. Well the lovely lady I was lucky to be paired with was the Ravenclaw Luna Lovegood. I have only known her a few months but thats enough to say that I love her with all of my heart. Luna Lovegood will you do me the incredible honor of Marrying me?" Blaise asked with a smile, "Oh yes Blaise! I will most certianly marry you!" Luna cried as she took the beatiful ring from Blaise and put it on. Everyone clapped and cheered. The lower years began to file out of the Great Hall leaving only the 7th years to talk among themselves till they began to leave couple by couple to go to bed. Hermione, Draco, Blaise and Luna being the last to leave. Hermione and Draco got ready for bed and then cuddled up to eachother, drifting into a peaceful sleep with Hermione laying her head on Dracos bare chest. 


Hello all! Sorry it took me a minute to update! Finals are almost over i can almost taste the freedom! Hope you all liked this chapter! I loved writing it! 

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