E i g h t : Coincidence?

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Jake's POV

"Let's dig in!" Jerry exclaims, rubbing his hands and licking his lips.

We eat and drink in silence. Until Wendy decides to speak. "Baby, I just bought the perfect outfit for the party tonight. It's really sexy."

She smirks and gnaws on her bottom lip seductively, turning me on inadvertently. She's a very attractive young lady.

Anyone can see why Jerry went for her.

I can feel my length hardening in my shorts, but I choose to ignore it. This is the wrong time, the wrong place, and most definitely the wrong person.

Unless I become mental, I'll never steal one of my best friends' girls. That would be breaching the Guy Code.

"Then don't be surprised if I can't take my hands off you at the party." Jerry states lustfully, grabbing a chip from the plate of food they're sharing and feeding it to her lovingly. "You always know how to drive me crazy. You're so addictive, baby girl."

I've got to hand it to the guy; he's extremely smooth. Smoother than melted butter being spread out on a slice of white bread.

Wendy's cheeks turn red, and she playfully hits Jerry's arm. "Don't say that. We're in front of people."

"We can always carry on in the bedroom," Jerry teases, smirking, and blows her a kiss.

"Now we all know what you do in your spare time." I add before taking a swig of my beer.

They stare at me blankly, including Justin, and then they dissolve into laughter. I remain being nonchalant, my face serious. "And don't remind me that I have no date for the party."

"There's no way that you don't have a date, Jake." Wendy concludes, raising an eyebrow in disbelief.

"Yeah, dude. You always have a girl with you, even if she's not yours." Jerry adds.

"What about Chloe? You promised that you'll go with her." Justin suggests before shrugging. "And I promised to go with Tiffany. It's supposed to be a double date." He takes a bite out of his burger.


I did agree to go with Chloe . . .

Five days ago

It's Monday, and it's after achool. My bag is on my back as I'm passing the corridors, and hurriedly walking towards the parking lot.

I make it to my car in less than three minutes, but before I can get a chance to get inside, Tiffany stops me. "Jake!" she yells whilst running in my direction, her ponytail bouncing up and down.

"What's wrong, Tiff?" I ask with a voice full of concern. When she's by my side, she places a hand on her chest, breathing in and out deeply. "God, I'm out of shape." she says with the shake of her head, disappointment evident in her voice.

I laugh because that's totally not true. Tiffany exercises and does yoga daily; but she still believes that she has the physical strength, and endurance, of a fat panda.

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