T w e n t y - o n e

10 1 1

Arianna's POV

"Your Maths test is on Thursday." Mr Wilson announces loudly, informing the class whilst standing in front of the whiteboard. He looks semiformal in his jean and blue button-up shirt, and black loafers.

"I will write down the chapters and topics you have to study. Please be quiet as I do so." He turns his back to us, picking up a whiteboard marker, and begins to write.

I put my hand inside my bag, which is on the floor, next to me. After pulling out my homework diary, I copy what Mr Wilson has written on the board so far and open my textbook to start revising.

Melissa is sitting beside me. She's doing what I'm doing, but with less effort. I'm not saying she's not smart; she is. She just doesn't enjoy making colourful notes and coming up with weird ways to remember the work like me.

And I know she's bored because Ashley's not in this class. Even though we're a trio I feel as though they have a closer bond, making me feel kind of left out. I mean, these things happen and it's normal.

But it fucking hurts.


I stop highlighting my work, before looking to the side. I instantly regret doing that because now a penis is in my face, up close and personal, but at least it's inside someone's pants.

My eyes slowly move up the person's body, meeting Jake's handsome face. His eyes are half-open, his hair is messy (but he still looks hot nonetheless), and I see he's sporting some stubble.

Inside, I'm melting like a popsicle in the summer heat, since he is literally covered in flames.

He's never looked so yummy.

From the corner of my eye, I can see that the entire class is watching us. Their faces are contorted out of confusion and shock, their eyes bulging out of their sockets.

Most of the girls glare at me, enviously, because the centre of their universe is talking to me. Surprisingly, I'm enjoying this since they think I'm lame and no guy wants me.

Little do they know that the Greek god standing right in front of me likes — no, loves — me. He said he loves me, it came from his own mouth and no one forced him to say it.

I clear my throat. "Yes, Jake?" Smiling, I put down my highlighter on the page of my textbook. He smiles back, the corners of his eyes crinkling.

"I want us to discuss something during recess. Is that okay?" he suggests, rubbing the back of his neck whilst biting the edge of his lip sexily.

God, he's too perfect to be a human being. I'm starting to wonder how he would look if he had blond hair . . . Would he be the hottest guy on the planet?

Most definitely.

That doesn't mean I don't find Dylan attractive. He's also handsome, but when I compare him with Jake he's below his level.

Why am I comparing him in the first place?

I'm dating Dylan for who he is and not for who I want him to be. And besides, he makes me happy. That's all that matters.

Don't lie to yourself, Ari. You know you're falling for Jake and you like it.

It's times like these when I hate my inner voice, because it never lies. Tsk.

Speaking of Jake, I notice he's staring at me and my mind goes blank until I realise he's waiting for an answer. I can't believe I zoned out for that long.

"Sure." I nod. Everyone's eyes are still glued on us as though they're watching a movie.

"Jake, sit down!" Mr Wilson reprimands, his voice brusque. Jake just rolls his eyes and blatantly ignores him.

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