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"I fucking promise you that I have the biggest penis" Todd says, David and the guys want to know who has the biggest penis,  their significant other is supposed to go with them into the bathroom and measure their penis.

David just looks at me and whispers "baby, do you think I have the biggest one?" I chuckle and say "of course babe" you know just to boost up his confidence while this is going on. Don't get me wrong, David is large but from what Corinna and Kristen have told me he might no bee the biggest of the bunch , but I feel like they are bluffing just to make themselves feel better. I mean common, David is really big, they can't be bigger right?

Scotty and Kristen have gone in, they were snickering and smirking at each other.

Corinna and Todd cam back after them 15 minutes later completely unfazed by what the group is doing.

Heath and Mariah, they didn't really want to but the guys literally pushed them into the bathroom.

20 minutes later.

David takes my hand as we walk together into the bathroom. The tape measure waiting by the sink, David picks it up and washes it a bit and then wipes it with the towel. He seems nervous, it's not like I haven't seen him before naked down there.

A couple of minutes late he picks up the tape measure, like we have done before. He has it ready, I tell him to sit down again, we are done kissing, it didn't really work a lot. He sits down on the toilet and I on top of him, start grinding and he looks so happy.

10 minutes later, we walk out, a whole 9,1 inches. He is so proud, I can just see it on his face.

Everyone is waiting for the answer, it goes like this Scott and Todd in the same place, then Heath and my baby in first place. He stands up and points at Todd, "hahahah fuck you Todd, never doubt my penis ever again". We all laugh.

About an hour goes by, David and I are going to his place. "So babe what do you say, do you want a 9,1 inch sausage when we get home?". I just laugh and tell him that I would have to think about that.

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