||Chapter 4||

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You lazily were in your desk, soon going to doze off, until someone ruined the moment.

"H-hey (Y/N)! Want to have lunch together." Daniel smiled at you.

You wanted to ignore him, but you saw that annoying girl, Zoe was it?, bugging him. So you complied and shrugged.

"Whatever, let's just go." Daniel aura brighten brighter.

You walked in through the canteen and saw Jiho. He was carrying trays of food and struggled so. You, without knowing, went to him and grabbed the trays of food.

"Where do you want me to put these?" You asked boredly, while not making eye contact.

Jiho blushed and pointed towards the table he was heading. You slowly walked over and placed them down, as instructed by Jiho.

You were heading back to Daniel, until pretty boy decided to invite Jiho over. You mentally grunted. Yes, you were somewhat of a bitch, but you do care. A tsundere, you may say. Nah! You were just weird. You just liked messing with people.

Jiho sat next to Daniel, as Zoe was the on the other side of him. You. Were across from the small trio. You pulled out your bento and opened it. You slowly decided which to eat first. 'Sausage octopus, or rice cakes, or kimchi, or-'

You were sadly interrupted from thoughts.

"Wow he's handsome."

"I'm better looking though, right?"

You turned to look at the voices and saw three dudes. They met your stare and all thought the same 'she's smoking hot!'

They boy with sunglasses, turned to Zack.

"I heard you nearly lost to pretty boy. Zack." The sunglass kid snickered."You even drag these ugly characters lol!"

The three goons all speaking the same,'I look good!'

"I lost to pretty boy, but I could probably take you." Zack glared at sunglasses."And the rats you hang with aren't normal either."

"Hey. You wanna die?" Sunglasses remarked, but Zacks fist was nearly touching him. Sunglasses sweat dropped and was nearly about to grab Zack.

Until people started whispering and talking.

"Hey it's the Architecture Dept!"

"It's Vasco!"

You turned to towards where they were saying and spotted Vasco. You happily stood up and walked towards them.

"Hi, Vasco!" You smiled lightly at him. He stared at you confusedly at first, but blushed when he realised it was just you.

Why were you nice towards him? Well it's because you actually took a liking to cinnamon roll Vasco. 'He must be protected at all cost' You mentally clenched your heart, shedding an internal tear.

He blushed and waved at you. You kept smiling and walking, until you saw someone next to him. He had big ears. 'He also must be protected!' You mentally cried.

Unknowingly, you were standing in front of him and played with his ears. It took him awhile to realize what was happening. He blushed deeply and quickly backed away from you, with your hands still midair.

"W-what was that f-for?!" He stammered and you just touched your hands.

You stuffed your hands in your pockets and smiled at him. You took one of your hands out and reached it out towards him.

"I'm (Y/N)! Nice to meet you..." You trailed at the end.

He slowly took your hands,"I'm Jace."

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