~|New Year's Special|~

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Startled, your mother nervously chuckled through the phone,"H-hey sweetie."

Snarling, you clenched your phone tightly,"Don't 'Hey sweetie' me Mei! You know what you did!"

"No!," MEI chuckled and bit her lip,"I've not the slightest clu-"

"WHY'D YOU SEND ME THIS!" You screamed loud enough for your new neighbors to hear, but not caring.

Hearing a sigh, you heard distant mumbling, before Jun picked the phone.

"You don't like it?"

Angrily scowling, you barked under your breathe,"It's not my thing!" Picking up the item, you just contorted your face more in disgust,"This is like- for what- little girls!!"

Jun just sighed,"Your mother picked it, so I assumed that you would-"


"Y/n." Jun, sternly said, yet calmly, forcing you to stop your anger.

Pinching your nose bridge, you deeply exhaled,"Alright. Sorry." Brushing your hair back, you sat down on your couch and leaned back. You can hear in through the phone, Mei crying.

Hearing shuffling, Jun handed the phone to Mei,"I-I'm sorry sweetie! I didn't know that y-you wouldn't l-like it!"

Hearing her sniffing and in tears made you cringe. Groaning, you leaned forward,"It's alright! Just-just be careful next time."

Mei laughed lightly,"Got it. Have a great New Year sweetie! Love you!"

Chuckling, you scoffed,"Love you too Mei, and Jun."

Hearing them laugh, you said your goodbyes before hanging up. At the beep, you stood up and threw your phone to the wall, as a dark aura surrounded you. Turning towards the item, you stomped towards it, picking it up with two fingers in disgust.

Sneering at it, you just scoffed and glared at it,"Why would she buy me a fucking hot pink, glittery piece of lingerie!? Is this a joke!? A prank!?"

Laughing maniacally, you stuffed it back into the package, kicking it to who knows where.


Walking downtown, you looked around for a good shop to eat at. You deserved a treat for yourself. Humming happily, you stumbled upon a small stand. Fast walking towards it, your eyes gleamed at the delicious street food present.

"Welcome, miss!"

Looking up at the seller, you smiled,"Hello!"

The seller was an elder woman and just chuckled at your young soul,"Help yourself dear."

Nodding your head vigorously, you sat down, and reached for a fish cake stick. Grabbing a cup along, for the soup, you took a big bite of the fish cake, squealing in delight, as your mouth melted with the warmth. Taking a sip from the soup, you let out a hearty sigh from the deliciousness.

Continuing to eat, Jay, Daniel, and Vasco were walking by, until Vasco noticed you.

Pointing at you, he beamed,"There's Y/n!"

Jay and Daniel turned their heads confused, until the noticed your figure at the food stand.

Walking towards you, Vasco grabbed your shoulder, smiling"Hey Y/n!"

Turning around with some spicy rice cakes in your mouth, your eyes shined at their presence. Mumbling loudly, you motioned for them to have a seat, excitedly. Vasco and Daniel sat at the right of you, Daniel being closer, as Jay the left.

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