~|New Years Special- Vasco|~

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Slowly rolling over, I picked up my phone, brightness killing my eyes as the notification popped up again.

"Who, the fucking hell is tryna get killed by me!? It's fucking 2 in the morning-" quickly sitting up, I opened the message.

I know it's 2 in the morning, but I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?
Sent- 2:33

If you aren't busy, I'd like to meet up at 4. Here's the address ################
Sent- 2:35

It's only 2:37 right now. I'll sleep for now, I'll text him later, or something. Shutting off my phone, I rolled back into sleep.

*Ring Ring*

"Who the hell-"

Slowly rising, I snatched my phone angrily,"Who wants to die today? I fucking-" checking my alarm, my eyes widened,"Holy cow, with holy water titty milk! Fucking, Vasco!! Yeeet!"

I rolled off my mattress, doing a Kim Possible pose, and running towards the bathroom. I quickly brushed my face, I mean teeth, and combed my hair. Throwing on a (f/c) sweater and black jeans, I grabbed the essentials, dashing throwing the door. Quickly putting on my helmet, I revved my bike, riding towards the address. Fucking shitty titties! I'm fucking finger licking LATE!

Slowly driving my bike to a stop, I swung my leg off and took my helmet down. I messily fluffled my hair and searched around the premises. Ah, shitty! He probably already went back-

"(Y/n)!? You came!"

Quickly turning around, like a goupher, I saw Vasco.

"Lick my balls, you're still here." I sighed, as I set my hand towards my chest,"I'm sorry that I'm late. I was going to text you after a 'nap', but I guess I overslept!" I cheekily scratched my cheek.

Vasco, nervously blushing, chuckled,"It's alright."

"Did you wait long!? I hope you didn't stay here this many hours just for me!" I worringly asked, hoping he didn't wait for freaking 3 hours for me.

"A-no. I-I just got here! Yeah, like, 40 minutes ago! Hehe!"

I eyed him suspiciously, but shrugged,"Alright, but where are we going to hangout at?"

He smiled, placing a finger on his lips,"It's a secret, but trust me! You're going to like it!" He walked up towards me with a blindfold.

I slowly backed away,"I swear to God if you make me do the 24 hour, BirdBox challenge, like Morgan, I will swing at you-"

"It's part of the secret, (Y/n)! Plus, stop watching so many videos. You're going to be those weird conspiracy theorist."

I crossed my arms,"Conspiracy theory videos aren'tweird. They're educational." I quietly muttered, as Vasco wrapped the blindfold around my eyes.

"Alright! Grab my hand. I'll take you to the place, but it'll take awhile."

Nodding, I slowly stumbled on my own feet, but regained myself. Cautiously, I walked behind Vasco, holding hands, and what feels like aimless walking around in circles, Vasco, came to a stop. I slowly reached my hand up to remove the cloth, but Vasco's big hands, removed mine.

"Not yet, (Y/n). I need you to climb onto my ba-"

Without hesitation, I jumped on to Vasco's back. I wrapped my legs and arms around him, not noticing at how he was going to passout from extreme heat, of blushing.

I soon felt Vasco move. It felt like ages, since I seen light, but I slowly felt tired. I nuzzled to his neck, as his hair lightly brushed my forehead. Breathing in deeply, his scent was very comforting. Smiling to myself, I dozed off.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)! Wake up!"

Quickly, getting up like a zombie, I shouted nonsense,"Fuck me in the ass! God is here!" I somehow saw color and scenery again. I blinked my eyes rapidly and turned around,"Am I, dead? Holy cow! Vasco killed me!" Quickly standing up, I somehow fell onto a being.

"(Y/n), you're heavy!" I heard the being gasp for air.

I slowly looked down and saw my chest suffocating Vasco,"Oh!" Quickly getting off of him, I slowly stood up,"Anyways, where are we?"

He stood up, wiping his bloody nose,"I actually wanted go eat out, with you, but since we didn't have time, I just brought you here."

"God damn. Could've woken up early, to eat!" I cursed under my breathe,"but what's here?"

Vasco slightly grinned,"We're having a small picnic."

I fisted the air,"Yes!"

Vasco stared at me, in adoration, as he laughed. I kept punching the air in joy. Heck yes, man! I'm going to eat! With realization, I turned towards him.

"Where's the food?"

Vasco happily grabbed my wrist, dragging me towards a bench, near a the cliff side. As we slowly approached, I spotted many assortions of food. Drooling, I eyed it with pure hunger.

"Here's the food-" before he managed to complete his sentence, I was already pigging out on the sandwiches.

"Dese, arth gewd! Yeee~"

"Mom? I forgot to do the dishes."

Vasco sweatdroped at me, as I was in my food coma,"Get up, (Y/n). We still have one more thing to do!"

Burping, I rose my head up,"Wha-is it going to be fun?"

"Yeah! It's going to be lots of fun!" He happily beamed.

As if his innocent aura hit me, I was soon filled with energy,"Let's go then! No time to waste!" I checked my watch and screeched,"Vasco! It's hot potato, 11:45! No time for your fun thing! I remember that it's going to be New Year's Eve and that they're going to show some fireworks! Come on!" Grabbing his wrist, I dragged him towards the area that they were going to do the fireworks. Thank God, we are near, to make it in time.

It was only a 10 minute run, but we managed. I placed my hands onto my knees and breathed in and out, sounding like a whale. I checked my watch and happily gave myself a pat on the back.

"11:55! Woah! Made it in time. I should be a track runner, or something!" I wheezed.

Vasco, patted my back,"Woah! You're so fast! We should race, someday!"

Doing a heroic pose, I puffed my chest out,"I can beat you any-"

Before I finished, I saw some fireworks exploding into the sky. I checked my watch and it was 11:58. I grinned like a child, as I watched them explode. Unconsciously, I grabbed Vasco's hand and held it tightly, as if my life depended on it.

Vasco, jumped slightly at my action, but didn't protest. He turned to stare at my face and smiled himself. He was happy he got to see this moment with you. He tightly held my hand and looked back at the sky.

"Vasco! Come on and countdown with me!" I happily jumped.

Vasco, turned towards me,"Alright!"

In unison we both counted,"3...2...1!"

"Happy Ne-"

My mouth was suddenly shut, by another pair of lips. Eyes wide, My eyes met Vasco's face. His face was in full concentration, since this was his first, but I slowly gave in, melting into his. Turning our heads, we both deepend the kiss, as he held my waist. I cupped his cheeks and removed away, gasping for air. We gave each other one last kiss, before parting again.

"Happy New Year's, (Y/n)."

"Happy New Year, Vasco."

A/n- chapter inspired by Shane Dawson and BirdBox ;') haven't watched BirdBox yet but seen them memes yk hahaha YEEEET🤙

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