||Chapter 15||

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Taking a deep breath, I started sprinting back home, remembering something. Shit! I forgot we have a trip tomorrow!!

"Hey, Y/n!"

Sulking, I dragged my baggages behind me, walking behind Daniel,"Ngh. Why did I forget about today?" Angrily huffing,"Curse my dumb ass!"

Daniel sweatdropped,"Ha, Y/n, calm down. I'm sure that you nap and relax in the bus!"

Hearing half of his words, I tiredly swatted my hand back and forth near my face, earning a loud yawn to escape.

"As a student, you must do your duty!" The announcer said,"Toward shining dreams and passion! Body and mind-"

Eyelids dropping, I covered my mouth, yawning an ugly sound, as my chin tilted down, triple chin out.

"Count off! Remember your bus!"

Having the bags all loaded, I straightened by back earning a few good pops,"Damn, I'm getting pretty old." Chuckling, I walked through the bus doors and up the steps. Looking up, the whole back seats were taken, so I happily took my seat near the front, behind the teachers. I may be in the front, but the others can still easily reach me. Crossing my legs, I pulled out my earbuds, selecting my playlist, and peacefully listening to music. Crossing my arms, I leaned my head back, eyes closed.

"Where's Y/n?" Yui exclaimed. They all stopped their chatting, before realizing.

Zoey scratched her cheek,"I saw her, earlier."

"Who knows, maybe she didn't board on last minute." Jiho said.

Daniel chuckled,"I'm sure she wouldn't, would she?"

Zack crossed his arm, and 'tched',"How lame."

They all sulked for awhile, until they heard a loud sneeze up front. Averting their attention towards the sound, they saw my head peeking abit from the seat.

Wiping my nose, I sniffed and leaned back. Ah, a cold maybe. Getting close to winter, too, so. Having being in thought, I didn't realize that the girls were behind me. Sniffing again, an arm grabbed my shoulders, earning me to shout,"JESUS COW MILK EAT MY ASS! SAVE ME!"

Everyone all laughed, except Jay, Daniel and Mira. They just sweatdropped, or sighed. Taking my earbuds out, I slowly craned my neck backwards towards the person who touched me.

Grinning evilly from ear to ear, I chuckled,"Want to meet the afterlife?"

Zoey and Yui screamed in fear, as the raced back to the back. Mira simply shook her head, gighling, as she followed. Hearing them soon turn back into rowdy chatting, I turned on my phone, tapping into my contacts. Scrolling down a bit, I tapped on one. Slowly standing up, I moved across the aisle from my seat and sat away from the teachers, and Jay. Phone connecting, I brought it up to my ear.

"Sup, Y/n? What you calling for?"

Sighing, I leaned my head towards the window,"I-I'm just bored."

Hearing chuckling from the end of the phone, they continued,"Why not talk to your friends? You got plenty!"

Rubbing my temples, I sighed deeply,"They're pretty loud, so I have a headache right now, Hugo."

Hugo, hummed in response.

Leaning my head back, I prompt my feet up to the seat in front of me,"Anyways, how has it been going lately? Any new news, or something?"

Hugo hummed in thought,"Ah well, right now, there's nothing, but I have a few men out scouting for-"

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