||Chapter 20||

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A/n- this chapter will contain a lot of pictures!!

His brown hues stared at the empty seat, I once was in, before taking his leave.

"I'm starving, give me some water."
"Sure! Hot or cold?"

I was following behind Zack and Daniel, me being besides Jay. I noticed Jay was getting agitated, so I lightly elbowed him, getting his attention. He stared at me and I mouthed 'I know, chill', as he only pouted. Giggling, I turned to the front two, but some conversations caught my attention.

"Hmph that guy is so annoying. A Pacebook star? So cringy."
"His that thing is definitely fucking small."
"Isn't Beom way better?"

"That goes without saying." This Been said.

"You're an A list fit model after all."

"If I did social media, he would be nothing." Beom bragged.


"What? A fit model you say!?" Daniel said shockingly.

Peering over his shoulder, the male talking to Daniel noticed me and spoke to me as well.

"Please take my card."

Eyes wide, I stood besides Daniel, pointing at myself and Daniel,"U-us two? Or just him?"

The man nervously spoke,"I saw you both on Pacebook and then I came to find you. I'd like you to model for my website. I haven't gotten any response from the Pacebook messages I sent you two..."

Snapping my fingers, I 'oohed' in realization,"So that was you! You see Daniel and I don't really check Pacebook, so we are pretty behind on news and all." I laughed in awkwardness.

"Hey mister. I can help you out." Zack said, as he was now besides us,"How much does it pay?"

"Since it's just a two person start up, it's not well funded..but for Y/n and Daniel, I'd pay $100 a day." The man said.

Daniel and Zack were shock at the news, but I just nodded and hummed in understanding.

"Wow! Mister! I'll do that!" Zack happily said.

"Um..sorry because of your cast, it won't work!" The man nervously said back.


"Are you Daniel Park and Y/n L/n?" A man with shades said as he got out of his mobile.

"What?" I said, as Daniel stared in more shock.

"Good to meet you," the male said, handing us a golden card,"Here's my card.."

Daniel took it, reading it,"Oh..clothing?"

Taking the card, I examined it as well.

"Mister, do you have a shopping mall too? Then you can offer $100 too?" Zack said, smartassly.

"Huh? How'd you know? I was thinking $100..."

"That guy offered $100 per day too, hmm." Zack said.

"A day? What are you talking about? Of course it's $100 per hour." The male said.

Suspiciously, I watched the man, but I turned back towards the other male. As they all left, the older male sulked, as he turned away, but stopped as he heard my footsteps behind him.

"O-oh. It's just you." He said sadly,"What do you want? To make fun of me-"

His eyes widened largely, as I whispered something to him.


"What the hell is that?"
"Is that a discontinued van?"
"It's a shopping mall too I think."
"Looks a bit pathetic."
"He's the driver, photographer, carrier and coordinator?"

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