||Chapter 9||

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Heading off towards, where ever they're going, you walked next to Vasco. You observed the group closely and noticed how pretty 'cautious' they were with you, as if not wanting to provoke a wrong move. You only were with them for a good 20 minutes and they kept good distance from you.

Sighing, you spoke up,"You know, it's been a good silent 20 minutes, besides from when we briefly spoke at the front. I guess I'll get going-"

"We're here!"

You were startled and stared at Jace. He was smiling and walked towards a building. With closer inspections, you noticed it was a daycare for elderly people. Staring at it confusedly, you pointed a thumb at it and stood mouth opened. Speechless, you watched, as the gang walked in. You stood for another second and followed behind. The gang was up at the counter and you saw Vasco happily speaking to the secretary.

"Come on, (Y/n)!" Jace and Vasco called for you, in sync.

You watched intently, as each member greeted an elder person. Huh. Weird. South Korea is always full of surprise. You slowly walked behind Vasco, who was happily talking to an elder woman. You watched over his shoulders, until the elder said something, causing you to choke.

"My, my, Vasco! Is that you're girlfriend? What a beautiful, young one." The elder looked at you, with a sweet closed eyed smile.

You slowly recovered,"Ehem, excuse me, but me and Vasco are-"

Vasco was red, scratching his head,"Sh-she's my friend only, ma'am."

The elder widen her eyes and gasped,"My am I truly sorry, dear!"

You laughed and scratched your cheek,"I-I get that alot."

Vasco and the elder continued to talk happily. You scanned the room and noticed an elder woman, alone, staring out the window. Jace noticed you staring, so he walked up to you.

"That one, is a quiet one. Won't dare to speak to anyone. Not even to the care takers, so I suggest to not bother- HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" You, completely ignoring Jace's suggestion, walked towards the elder.

You sat in front of the elder and stared out the window, hands clasped together in your lap. The elder woman looked at you in the corner of her eyes and stared back out the window. Jace tapped on Vasco's shoulder and he looked at Jace. Jace pointed towards the direction of you and the quiet elder. Soon enough, everyone silently watched, to see what would happen.

You, still staring out, spoke"The world is full of surprises, never knowing who, or what, will appear in your life."

The elder side glanced at you, but you continued,"Humans tend to shut off from interacting with others, due to having suffered from something, or someone for a long time. I, personally, started to sing to myself to relieve stress. And you tend to look out the window. Mind telling me, why?"

You slowly turned towards the elder and saw that she was slowly shaking. Her hands were balled up and had a hard face. You placed your hands on to hers. They were cold, but you warmed them up with your own. The elder shook more and slowly cried. You stood up and hugged her shaking form. She cried into your arms.

The whole room watched with happy and sad eyes. They were glad that the quiet elder broke, to be able to rely on someone now. But Vasco and Jace had an interest in you. You are usually snappy and blunt, but never the emotional type. They were surprised in your actions. They had seen a new side of you.

You patted the elder's back and released from her and looked into her eyes,"You're not alone. You can tell me."

The elder stared at the ground and sighed,"I-I miss my husband. H-he passed away 2 years ago. I truly do miss him."

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