||Chapter 6||

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Hands behind your head and whistling random tunes, you finally arrived back at the bench. You slowed down your pace when you saw someone's figure. You closed in closer and noticed it was just Zack. You whistled your way towards him and propped right next to him. Zack didn't notice, since his face was in his hands.
"Something wrong, Zack?"

Zack quickly turned towards you and relaxed. He turned away from you and sighed.

"Tell me what's wrong and I'll-"

"Hey wuss."

You were suddenly interrupted. You saw the figure behind Zack. It was the baldy who you saw earlier.

"This your girl? Pretty hehe..."

You looked at Zack and saw the guy mess Zack's hair. His hair soon all messed up and you took notice of his features. 'He's actually pretty okay.'

"What's going on?"

"They're bullying him."

"Poor guy."

Random passerby's took notice of the scene and were quick to comment unnecessarily. You rolled your eyes, ready to stand up, but before you fully reached your 5'7" height, Zack talked.

"Hey, can you guys bugger off, please?"

You noticed he was trying to calm down, so you just sat back for now, until he finally snapped. You quickly remembered your bet, smirking retardedly to yourself.

"Ew, I got grease in my hands!"

"What the fuck did he say?"

"He's showing off in front of his girl, lol."

Zack twitched angrily, but held his composure. You were going to reply on his comment, but baldy decided talk.

"Hey, I kinda like you, so give me your phone number."

You lazily picked your ears and stretched your hand behind your back towards him. He stood their confused.

"What? Going to give me your phone, or not?" You sighed.

"She's all fake."

"Eyes, nose, and chin. She has them all done."

You just quietly listened at their dumb assumptions. Mentally uppercutting them across the world.

The baldy smirked and handed you his phone. You crossed your legs and tapped into the phone. Zack watched you and was shocked and angry on why you were giving him your number. After on final tap, you handed the phone back towards him. He happily snatched it back and blushed. You slowly stood up and was going to tell Zack that you wanted to leave, but God forbid you today.

"Also, aren't J High chicks...sluts."

You felt his arm over your shoulder and hands on your right boob. Zack was quick to stand up, but you shot him a quiet glare telling him to back off. You removed the guy's hand and turned towards him, wrapping your arms around his neck. You looked at him and smiled sweetly, yet darkly.

"J high chicks are also crazy."


You bent his head down and kneed him in the face, with your sweet smile still on. Baldy fell to the ground passing out with a bloody, broken nose.

Zack stared at you, jaw dropping and sweated. You were going to approach Zack, but one of the other guys tried to knock you out from behind. Zack quickly took notice of the sneak attack and quickly ran and socked the guy.

"I'm sorry Mira...I don't think I can keep my promise." Zack whispered quietly to himself.

The guy that Zack punched, got up and walked over to his friends.

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