||Chapter 12||

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Today feels like it's going to be interesting.

Driving, I debated if I should catch up some gambling, or stock up my food. Settling on stocking up, I took a quick turn, to the convience store. Parking my bike to the side, I made my way in, earning a small chime, indicating someone's entered.

"Hello, (Y/n)!" Small Daniel greeted.

Giving him a two finger salute, I made my way over to grab some ramen, toilet paper, and some drinks. Making my way towards the ramen section, I placed a hand on my chin. What ramen should I try? Cheese? Spicy? Cheesey, spicy? Closing my eyes, I randomly grabbed one, which being the cheesey spicy ramen. Smiling, I held my items, making my way up to pay, but an elder man quickly intercepted. Earning tik marks, I held in my anger, as he finished paying. My eyes darted daggers at him, setting my items down, I turned towards Daniel.

Pointing a thumb at the man's direction, I cocked a brow at Daniel,"He seems fishy. I don't like him one bit, even though I don't know him."

Daniel just nervously rubbed his neck,"Heh, yeah. Don't mind it though, anyways, that'll be $9.65." He stated, as he bagged my items.

Pulling out a $10, I handed it to him,"Keep the change." Grabbing my bag, I smiled at him,"Whenever I give more money, than expected, just keep it, got it?"

He blushed, quickly nodding,"Y-yeah! Thank y-you!"


Daniel quickly turned towards the new comers,"Well-welcome!"

"Aren't you cold? It is September."
"Men don't feel cold." (I mean true! They be wearing shorts in the middle of winter!!!)

Leaning at the far end of the counter, I took noticed that it was the skank. Narrowing my eyes at her, I watched her steps.

"But, you've got goosebumps!" Yui slightly yelled.

"I...It's because of my autopsy!"

Glancing over at the guy, I scoffed. Dickhead looks familiar. Have I seen him somewhere, or am I high off sharpies, again? (Please don't do do it, unless you already have, HIGHFIVE, I do too!)

"I'll take these." The guy said, quiet embarrassingly,"Single payment."

I eyed the item, stiffling in my laughter. Covering my mouth, I turned my face away. Who would've thought You, isn't a virgin!? My, my! You naughty skank! I internally laughed my ass off, as my face burned red, from holding in my laughter.

"What the- what the hell are you looking at? Never seen those?" Yui embarrassingly barked at Daniel, crossing her arms,"This pig is pissing me off."

Immediately, my mood soured. Glancing at Daniel, his face was full of pure shock and hurt. I pitied him. Poor kid.

"Hey pig..lower your eyes. I know what you're thinking when you look at her." The guy threatenly marked.

Straightening my posture up a bit, I glared at the side of his face.

"Yuck." Yui glared down at Daniel,"You make me sick."

Daniel was lost in thought, full of pain. I didn't know what he was thinking of, but I saw a blurry object aiming towards Daniel's way. Wide eyed, I noticed that the object was the guy's fist and Daniel had managed to dodge it. The guy irked embarrassingly in anger and aimed another punch, but he stopped.

"Hey! Just a sec, hmm..."

I quickly turned towards the person. My face lit up, I touched my face, feeling a bit flushed. Patting my cheeks, I eyed Zack. Why does he look, so, good today!? Fuck! Get it together, (Y/n)!

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