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Finns pov:

"woah" my brother nick said as our dad pulled up to our new house.

I just scoffed and shrugged my shoulders.

"Finn i told you to stop being a brat. We are here now. There is nothing tou can do, enjoy our new house" my dad said to me.

I rolled my eyes.

We got out of the car and looked at the house.

It was...okay, i admit.

I looked at my room from outside, i noticed a climbable tree next to my window.

"Nice" i said to myself.

Now i know how to sneak out.

Nick looked around the house too.

"GODDAMN IT" i heard my dad yell in anger as i also heard something drop.

I looked back and saw his phone on the floor.

He picked it up hoping it wasn't broken.

He turned it around.

"Shit" i heard nick say while he looked at it.

I saw a cracks on it and a little hole and the screen was black and green.

"Dad...thats bad" i said while nodding my head.

"Lets unpack and ill go to the phone store to check this out" he said while looking at his phone.

Me and Nick nodded and started getting our boxes and moving them


We were done moving stuff in and i sat on my bed looking at the sky through my window.

I was dad and nick went out.

I got off my bed and went in the garage and got my skate board.

I went outside and skated around a bit.

I started doing olleys and little tricks.

Then i did a trick and fell hard on the ground.

"Ow fuck" i said while feeling liquid in my mouth.

I heard footsteps come towards me.

"Holy shit dude are you okay?" I heard someone say.

"That was fucking gnarly" i heard someone else say.

"Shut up jack" i heard another say.

I got up and brushed myself off.

"I-i-im okay" i said looking at the group.

I saw a girl and black skin boy and 2 white boys. *im not being racist oml im being descriptive*

"Dude you mouth" one boy said.

I rubs teeth with my tounge and tasted blood.

"Im fine" i said calmly.

"Woah did you just moved here?" The girl asked.

"Y-yeah" i said back.

"Oh cool no ones lived here for 2 years" the boy said.

"Im finn" i said greeted.

"Oh hi im sadie" she said.

"Thats caleb and noah and jack" she said pointing to each one.

"Sup" i waved.

"Thats so gnarly his mouth was bleeding" jack said giggling.

"Doesn't feel gnarly" i said.

"Drink some water to wash the blood a skate boarder too...i once hit my teeth on a railing and has to get 7 stitches" jack said again.

He showed his arm where the stitches were.

"It was a dumb bet with our other friend jaeden" noah said.

"For 50 bucks dude" jack snapped back.

"For a trick you knew you couldnt do" caleb said.

"Whatever, the wheel was loose" jack said.

"Im gonna make your tooth loose if you dont shut it" sadie said raising her fist.

Jack stepped back a couple inches.

I laughed a bit.

"Well sorry for the scene....jack is a drama queen" sadie said.

"Its fine" i said laughing a bit.

I saw my dad driving towards here.

"See yall gonna go in" i said.

"Seeya finn" caleb said.

"Bye see you around" noah said.

I went inside and put my skateboard back.

I went in my room and heard my dad come in the house.


I was on my phone watching youtube and saw my brother come in.

He sat on bed and i took off my ear buds and put my phone a side.

"Theres food downstairs" he said.

"Im not hungry..." i said back and looking down

"Finn...come on...give this place a and dad got divorced we have to get through this" he said sounding upset.

"Did you just come up here to tell me the same old thing nick?" I said back.

"Nevermind finn" he said getting up.

"We had to leave mom and brooklyn. I loved them nick, that was fucking hard" i said trying not to cry.

He sigh.

"Finn please i know, its hard i understand they were my mom and sister too but...give this a chance...a new start...for all of us" he said.

There was a silence for a moment.

"I'll try...." i said back.

"Thank you" he said.

I looked up and we both smiles at each other.

He hit my shoulder playfully and i slapped his arm and he went out.

I looked out my window and saw a house with lights going on and off.

Probably a party...

Then i saw five boys in front of the house play fighting.

I looked closer and realized it was noah and jack with some other boys.

I saw sadie with two girl.

Wow...they were pretty.

I laughed a bit as i saw jack getting pinned.

Then the water sprinkles turned on in the front.

All the boys and girls ran inside the house soaking wet.

I laughed more.

It was so funny looking at it far away.

I closed my window and went downstairs and got some chickfila.

I came in my room.

"Hey finn" i heard nick speak in his room

"What" i asked getting out my room and heading to his.

"Heres dads new number" he said.

"Dad got a new phone?" I asked.

"Yeah...the old one fell so hard he couldnt type on it" nick explained.

"Oh" i said.

Nick told me dads new phone number.

I saved it in my phone.

I got in my bed.

I texted my dads number.

"Hey its finn i got your phone number" i texted and sent.

I put my phone on the charger and drifted off to sleep.

Little did he know...he put the number wrong in his phone...and texted someone he didn't know..... :)

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