first time

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**you bitches probably didnt expect this to come**

Finns pov:

I woke up, but not in my bed...

I turned my head to see millies bare back, she was fast asleep.

Then everything hit me at once of what previously happened.

Our innocent first kiss turning into my first time...

*2 hours earlier*

She kissed me hard...

Me being me since i liked her alot, i kissed back.

Then our kiss started to heat up.

She started to play around with my tounge as i did the same.

Then i remember, she got up with me, from the floor and she disconnected our kiss.

She went to close and lock her door.

Then she walked up to me and pushed me on her bed.

I layed there, knowing what might possibly happen next.

She climbed on to my lap and kissed me again.

I flipped her over and heard a giggle come out her mouth.

I got on top of her and she wrapped her legs around me.

During our continuation of our heated makeout, we began to undress each other.

I then felt her hand slither down to my boxers.

My heart started beating fast.

I disconnected from our kiss and looked at her.

"Ar-are you sure?" I asked looking in her eyes.

She smiled and caressed my cheek.

"Yes finn, im sure" she said seriously, but with that same old smile, i love dearly.

I smiled and nodded.

Then let her pull my boxers down.

The rest...was history.


I got out of my thoughts and slipped my boxers and shirt on.

I checked my phone to see it was only 9: 02.

I went to the window to see if her parents car or anyone, were there in the driveway.

No one...

Then i heard a soft groan from the bed.

I turned around and saw millie sitting up on the bed, covered in the blankets.

She turned her head and looked at me.

"Hey" she said tiredly.

"Hey" i said back and sat on the bed.

She looked at me with her brown eyes.

"So how do you feel?" I asked.

"Great, really great" she said then looking down.

I smiled and looked down too.

"Hey you wanna talk about everything?" I asked while looking at her face.

She looked at me too.

"Its fine Finn" she said.

I then got confused.

"...wait what? How are you not freaked by this?" I asked, kinda triggered.

"...finn i know, its strange, we thought we were talking to other people when we were really talking to each other" she said.

I couldnt believe this.

"So woah woah wait you're gonna forget everything you texted me?" I asked.

"Woah no finn" she began but i caught her off.

"Nah nah, wait" i began.

I got up from the bed and looked at her.

"What if mike was another guy?..would you just have fucked him like you did with me?!" I asked with anger.

"Finn wait no no no you're getting the wrong idea-" she tried to explain but i cut her off again due to how upset i was.

"No no no, you only fucked me because i was having a panic attack" i said.

"WOAH WHAT" she said in shock.

"Or maybe because jacob isnt here anymore to do that?" I said.

She stayed quiet and gave me a look.

"Finn you dont even know what You're saying" she said.

"I do millie, you're just saying that because its true" i said again.

"No finn its not" she said.

"Oh really? Then why did you kiss me and have sex with me..huh?" I asked.

She stayed quiet and fiddled her fingers.

I actully thought she would admit she liked me.

"Exactly" i said as i grabbed my pants and put them on.

"Finn no Please" she began to beg.

I ignored her and began to put the rest of my clothes on.

I finished and went out the room and down the stairs with a crying millie on my tail.

I went out her door and fast walked away from her house and to my house .

I could hear her yelling and crying for m to come back.

I couldnt, i know i shouldn't have let her explained.

I regretted for what i did...but at the same time i didnt.

Why else did she kiss me...

There was so many more moments where we almost had.

But now? When im having a panic attack in front of her.

Sure i shouldn't have said i was rebound from jacob because im sure she wouldnt randomly fuck me out of any other guy as a rebound.

I needed to calm down.

I felt too upset to talk to anyone.


I got home and climbed up my tree and went through my window.

I didnt want to get a lecture from my dad and nick about it being too late right now.

Espically right now.

I got to desk and took out some of my weed, i have.

I rolled a blunt and smoked it away.

Weed was the only thing that calm down a person.

Weed was my best friend, when it came to suitions like this.

Weed was my shoulder to cry on.

I finished my blunt and layed in my bed.

And then felt my eyes become heavy.

Then i drifted off to sleep.

I only smoked weed to get millie off my mind but no...

She was all i thought about and dreamt about.

I needed her so bad...


**that escalated quickly, but guys hopefully i can update on friday and the weekend, I'll be pretty busy, but will update tommorow for sure, hope you enjoyed**

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