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Finns pov:

I woke up, feeling all the pain come and hit me.

I opened my eyes and saw white walls and bright lights.

I moved my arm and saw it was in a cast.

Then the door opened.

It was sadie and millie and noah.

"Hey finn how you feeling" noah asked.

"Like someone sat on me" i replied.

They laughed a bit.

"Do you remember what happened?" Sadie asked.

"Uh...i left the party and that elf jumped me" i said.

"Told you" millie said.

"Your dad is gonna come and pick you up by the way and the docter said you're gonna have to have that cast on for 2 months" sadie explained.

"Damn" i said.

"Let me sign it" noah said as he got a pen out.

"Be my guest" i said as moved my arm towards him.

"How long have i been in here?" I asked

"The whole weekend, a little coma" millie said.

"Well shit" i said.


I was finally home, my dad was upset that i got a bit drunk and went to that party with out telling him.

I didnt tell him who beat me up since jacob would use the Polaroids against me.

I looked like shit.

I had cuts and a bruise on my cheek.

I looked at my cast and saw millies signature on it.

It was hearts and she put her name on it.

Speaking of girls, jane hasn't really texted me.

I got my phone out and sent her a text.

Hey sorry i haven't texted  there was an incident...

I texted and waited.


I opened my phone up.

Hey same i had one too. She replied.

So wryd

I texted back.

Just got home. She replied back.

Ive missed talking to you. She said.

I smiled.

One day we should meet. I said back.

We should where do yoy live?

La i said back.

Woah same she said back.

More of a reason for us to meet.



I put my phone up and decided to take a nap.


Millies pov:

School was so boring without finn.

No one could make me laugh like he can.

Currently i was sitting with jacob and his dumb pathic friends at lunch

"Why are you so quiet?" Jacob asked me.

"Not feeling good" i said back sternly.

"Want me to make you feel better?" He said as he put his hand on my thigh.

"UGH GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME YOU PIG" i said frustrated and throwing food on his shirt.

I walked away to sadies table.

I wish finn would be here to beat him up.

But jacob is gonna get his soon.



*quick update sorry it was short been busy all weekend and today, tomorrow long chapter*

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