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Finns pov:

I opened my eyes and woke up in my bed.

Immediately everything from yesterday came at me like a speeding baseball.

I rolled myself out of bed, to lazy to get up properly.

I fell to the ground making a thud.

I groaned and finally stood up with my long legs.

I took a shower and slipped on my joggers only.

It was the weekend, thank god.

I wouldnt have to see millie or anyone.

I went downstairs and saw no one.

I went into my kitchen and saw a taco bell big pack on the table followed by a note.

I got the note and read it.

Hey finn, me and nick will be out for the weekend, for a fishing tournament should've told you before you got out school. But heres 40 bucks and some taco bell. Be safe and love.

-your dad and nick.


Damn this must've been from last night.

I opened the bag to see 12 tacos.

I smiled big and got the bag and some soda and went into my living room and watched sex education a new show on netflix.


I finished watching 5 episodes and got up to stretch and wonder what ill be doing for the weekend by myself.

I checked the time to see it was 2: 54

As i was about to sit down, i heard a knock on the door.

I got a little scared wondering if it was an intruder.

I got a bat from the closet and went to the door.

I opened it and it revealed...millie.

She jumped back a little.

"Oh uh sorry...i wasn't gonna hit you with the bat" i assured her.

"Oh" she said softly.

It was quiet for a moment.

"I wanna talk finn" she said.

I looked at her.

"Okay" i said.

She nodded and walked in.

I closed and locked the door.

"Ill go put a shirt on" i said.

"No its fine finn...dont forget I've seen more than that" she said while trying not to laugh which i could hear in her voice.

I turned a bit red, but she was right.

I sat down and she sat down next to me.

"I wanna tell you why i had sex with you" she said seriously.

I looked down at my fingers on my lap.

She took a big breathe.

"Finn... the first day i met you...i didnt know what to expect..." she suddenly began.

"I thought you were cute, of course and...sweet for coming to help me up when jacob pushed me down..."

I smiled a bit, remembering that day at gym.

"...and then we talked more and you were so protective...willing to stickup for made me feel so special..."

I brought my face up, to look at her beautiful face.

"...then that day when we skipped school...we got so close...and i felt the most happiest ever...then when you would text me and understand me as mike...but no finn it wasn't mike, it was you all along you" she explained and looked at me.

I looked at her back and smiled.

I cant believe i made her feel that.

"...and damn finn even your idol said i was such a friend as going as far to get you the perfect gift...but no i knew it was because i wanted to see you happy..."

I bite my lip not to smile bigger.

"...thats all i want is for you to be happy,...and thats because...i like you finn, i should've admitted it sooner were making out with iris at the party and i thought you didnt like me..."

"Millie what no!! I was drunk and i didn't know what i was all became a blur...and no we didnt have sex..." i explained to her.

She smiled.

"..good" she said calmly.

I nodded.

"...but the reason i wanted to have sex and kissed you, was not because your panic was because i like you and i wanted you to forget all that pain and fear and i wanted to calm you down and just show you that...i like you..."

"Well millie...i like you too" i said back.

"Really?" She asked.

"Millie damn yes are you blind?" I said while laughing a bit.

She punched my arm and laughed.

"So..." i began.

She looked at me.

"...millie now that our feelings are out...i think theres one last thing to do..." i continued.

She nodded.

"Do you want to be mine and mine only? And im yours and yours only? Boyfriend and girlfriend? Yo-" i was cut off by her smacking her lips on mine.

I was surprised but kissed back.

She pulled away and placed her hand on my chest.

"Yes finn i want to" she said softly.

I smiled.

Then i started to plant kisses all over her face.

"Finnnnn ,oh my god you nerd,stop" she said while giggling.

I pulled away and laughed

She rubbed my chest and smiled.

" i should get going..." she said while standing up.

"No hey stay" i said while grabbing her hand.

"Really??" She asked.

"" i said.

She turned a bit red, which made me smile.

"But i dont have any clothes to spend the night" she said.

"Ill let you borrow mine" i suggested while rubbing her hand.

"What about your parents?" She asked.

"They're gone for the whole weekend" i said.

She smiled big.

"Yay" she said and sat on my lap.

I smiled back and hugged her.

She hugged me back.

" glad your finally my boyfriend finn" she said.

I pulled back from our hug and looked at her.

"Im glad too...especially since your in my arms...mine. i now know, no other guy has you, but me." I said.

"Awww finn" she said while smiling.

"Shush up" i said.

She laughed.

"Well...oh Yeah?" She said.

I nodded.

"...make me" she said while smirking

I smirked back and kissed her.

***uwu softness, yes ive been dead i apologize, hope you enjoyed and tea and softness be expected. ☕♥️. Vote and comment, love you alllll ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️***

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