break up

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Millies pov:

Monday night

I was so tired of this boy, i couldn't deal with him anymore.

He thinks he can control me, cheats on me, he made me think i was pregnant.

And now he hurt finn...

I know how to get him back.

I was just done texting mike.

One day i want to meet him, he seems really nice.

But finn...hes funny and sweet and hes so cute when he gets nervous.

But right now i was currently making my way to jacobs.

To give him what he deserves.

I knocked on the door and in a couple of minutes he answered.

I walked in.

"Sorry i dont have any condoms did you bring any?" He said.

I think i kinda threw up in my mouth.

"Im not here to fuck you" i said.

He rolled his eyes.

"What are you here for then?" He asked walking towards me.

"Are your parents home?" I asked.

"I knew you wanted it" he said while smirking.

I faked smiled.

He walk towards me then i kicked him in the balls.

He fell to the ground.

"BITCH" he said.

I kicked him again in the balls and then again in the dick.

He was on the floor groaning in pain.

"You stay away from me and finn and any of my friends" i said.

"Fuck you" he said.

"No thats gross" i said while kicking him in the dick again.

He yelled.

"And embarrassing" i finished while kicking his dick again.

"STOP STOP STOP" he begged while crying.

"We're done" i said while walking out.

"MILLIE NO" he said as i slammed the door.

Finally, anciet history.


Thursdays afternoon

Sadie yelled in joy as she finally found out i was single again.

"woohhhoooo yessss bitches" sadie yelled.

I laughed with maddie and lilia.

"All the single ladies all the single ladies all the single ladies" sadie singed while dancing.

I laughed harder.

"Woaahhh, someones on crack" noah said while walking up to us with finn and johnny.

"Shut up noah, im happy" she said.

"Woah, what happened?" Johnny said.

"Happy sadie is rare sadie" johnny said again.

"Millie broke up with Jacob" maddie said.

Then all the boys started jumping up and down yelling.



Finn threw himself on me giving me  a hug.

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