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Finns pov:

Its was night time.

I was out with noah and caleb and johnny.

We had a plan, hopefully we would be able to pull it off.

Noah was talking to gaten on the phone telling us where to go.

"You sure they're there?" Noah asked gaten on the phone again probably the 1 billion time.


"I see them" johnny said hiding behind a car.

"Okay call maddie" i said hiding behind the car too followed by caleb and noah so we wouldn't be spotted.

"I already did, she should be coming any minute" caleb said.

"I see her" noah said.

We saw her in a tight dress with alot of makeup and with beer that we drugged with Viagra pills.

Maddie got her phone out and called us.

"Forge the call noah" i said.

He did and maddie and gaten were both on the call.

"Okay what now?" She asked.

"Take the first two boys and blind fold them" i said.

"Then lead the other two and blind fold them also, take them outside" caleb said.

"Make sure they drink the beers maddie" johnny said.

"Thats a lot of work what the fuck" she said.

"Its not rocket science maddie" noah said.

"Where are yall?" She asked.

"Behind the red car" johnny said.

I put my hand up and she saw us and stuck the middle finger at us.

"I hate yall so much" she said and then put then phone in her purse.

She walked knocked at the door and we saw one of Jacobs friends open the door.

They were talking and then she went inside.

"What now?" Caleb asked.

"We wait" i said back.

"Two bros...chilling in a hot tub five feet apart because their not gay..." johnny singed.

We all bursted out laughing.

Maddies pov:

This house was so rachet.

I pulled some purfume out my purse and sprayed the couch.

Then i sitted down.

"So what brings you by maddie?" Joey asked.

"Uh i heard yall were having a party, so i stopped by" i said not trying to sound nervous.

"So i hear you have us a surprise...?" Jacob asked while drinking his beer.

God he is a rat.

"Yeah follow me outside boys" i said while getting up.

The four horny boys followed me.

"WAIT" i yelled like a dumbass.

"What?" Hayden asked.

"Its not a surprise if you see it" i said while smirking.

I got four long pieces of cut off blankets as a blind fold and put around the 4 boys.

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