a little job

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Finns pov:

Today was monday. Febuary 25 1:55 pm.

I had just came back from lunch.

Causal burger and fries, everyday. Unless it was Tuesday. I would eat taco bell.

I went to my locker to get my books for math, my next period.

Then i felt two short small arms wrap around my skinny torso.

I felt the arms hug my torso tight.

"Hey sorry i came in late today " i heard my British girlfriend say behind me.

I turned around and faced her.

"Oh why what happened?" I asked while closing my locker.

"Just a doctors appointment" she said while fixing her hair a bit.

"Oh, yeah i was about to text you if i didnt see you after lunch, i thought you were gonna be absent if you had a flu ir something" i explained while putting my back pack on.

She smiled and came closer to me, hugging me more.

"You lied finnie" she said, looking up at me.

"..about?" I asked while chuckling a bit.

"These earrings you got for my birthday" she replied back.

Oh shit...

"Yeah? They're gucci, i didnt get you anything fake, thats embarrassing."

"Finn i know for a fact they're not, these earrings are 450$!" She said in a whisper yell at the last part.


"You said they were on a special finn, there was no special, why did you get me something so expensive?" She asked.

"...mills...look i just wanted to get you something nice...it was your 17th birthday, thought it was nice.." i explained.

"Finn i feel awful, you spent 450$ on these"

"...happy birthday..." i said weakly.

"Finn where did you even get the money for this?" she asked.

My eyes widened.

What was i suppose to say?!

"Oh uh just money i was saving up" i lied.

"Finn now i feel more bad" she said.

"No come on babe, i wanted to get you something nice and i did now please accept it, i care for you and like you alot...im gonna be spoiling you" i explained while smiling a bit.

She blushed and smiled.

"Okay" she said quietly.

She pecked my lips.

"Ill see you later" she said

"Ill be counting down the minutes" i said and smiled.

She smiled and walked down the hall.

I felt bad for lying, but it was for the best.

She would get so mad if she found out where i got it from.

Then i remembered that night all over again....


11:34 pm

February 16th

Saturday night

Finns pov:

Millies birthday was in 3 days i was panicking, not knowing what to get her.

She had gotten me such an amazing gift, that she knew i would personally love, on my birthday.

I had to pay her back.

Plus shes my girlfriend now and j want her to know how much she means to me.

Even though you cant buy love with money.

So i made a call to my plug who gets me weed.

I asked him if i could do a job with him real quick.

So that i could get the money for mills birthday.

I know that she loves jewelry so much.

So when i saw these gucci rings on my instagram, i knew i had to get these for her.

But the price was definitely gonna kill me.

So i had to do this simple, quick, easy job.

Currently i was agaisnt a building wall.

It was dark, the only light was coming from the poles on the sidewalks.

Dogs were barking in the distance.

The sky was purple.

The neighborhood was dangerous.

Beer bottles on the sidewalks.

A little store across the street.

I currently waiting for a man to deliver this bag to.

Then i saw a car pull up in front of me.

They rolled down the window and i walked up to the door not looking down at the window.

"Pablo esqabar?" The man asked.

It was a code for him asking about if i had the stuff.

"Yup" i replied and took the bag out and gave it to him.

Then i felt him put something heavy in my hand.

I pulled my hand out to see a ball of money placed in my hand.

I knocked on his car signaling for him to go.

He drove away into the night.

I got on my bike and drove away too

In a couple days later...millie had opened a box and saw the earrings.

Completely flabbergasted.

She was so happy .

Everyone there was in awe wondering how i got the expensive jewelry.

Told them A Lie of course.


The bell went off for next period, exiting me out of my thoughts.

I walked down the hall to my class.

Im never gonna sell that again.

Just a one time and one time only thing ever.

Just a secret to myself.


*will matter later in the future, ty all for the reads and vote, this was trash but its getting better stay tuned*

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