old friends

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Millies pov:


I felt so weird through out the day

Like throwing up or just going to sleep.

I searched up these symptoms.

It said i would be pregnant...

I went in the bathroom stall and took a test that i bought from earlier.

Hoping to god it wouldnt be a postive.

"God he doesn't even have a big penis, its the smallest thing ever, looks like a thumb, i pray im not pregnant..." i said as i picked up the test.


At that moment everything was a blur, i felt like i just died.

I felt like i knew what death was, the feeling i felt was indescribable.

I didnt feel joy, i feel remorse and regret.

I felt like i was pregnant with the Antichrist

I began to bawl my eyes out, crying and crying.

I honestly didnt care if anyone was there in the bathroom.

I wanted to die.

I wanted to close my eyes and never wake up.

This is it, jacob cant ever leave me now...i have to live with him for the rest of my life...i thought.

I heard a little knock on the stall.

"Are you okay...?" I heard.

I wiped my tears and sniffeled.

I opened the stall door.

And realized it revealed...sadie...

"Millie.....whats wrong?" She asked.

"Sadie...im.....pregnant" i told her.

Her eyes widen and she came down and hugged me.

I cried into her shoulder and hugged her back.

We were there on the floor hugging.

She rubbed my back.

"Ssshhhh everythings gonna be fine mills...." she kept telling me.

I stopped crying and pulled back from the hug.

"Thank you...sadie" i said.

"Dont mention it..." she said back.

I looked down and my fingers shaking.

"Hey...come sit with me at lunch...with the boys and mads and iris." She said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah mills come on" she said getting up and helping me up.

I wiped my tears and sniffled and we walked out togeather and headed to lunch with sadie.


Finns pov:

I was eating my lunch and talking to the guys about some stuff.

"Holy shit, millie bobby brown is walking with sadie to our table" gaten said suddenly.

Sadie sat across us and millie right next to her.

"Hey boys" sadie said putting her lunch down.

"Hello" millie said softly.

Sounded like an angel...

I smiled a bit.

"Hey millie" caleb said.

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