first day at northwood

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*btw i forgot to add a character he's 18 and yall dont like him. Im sure yall know who it is already. Every story needs a bad guy 🤷‍♀️*

Finns pov:

I woke up by the light shining into my room.

I got up from my bed and checked my phone.

Monday, 7:08

"Monday ugh" i groaned.

Also it was my first day at school.

I took a shower and brushed my teeth.

Then i went in my room and put on deodorant and changed into my outfit.

Then i went in my room and put on deodorant and changed into my outfit

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*not the hat*

I sprayed colonge over me and got my bag and phone and headed downstairs.

I saw nick and my dad talking.

"Hey bud excited for school?" Nick said.

"Your lucky your out of high school" i said back.

He chuckled.

"Finn,your breakfeast is on the table" my dad said.

I headed to the table and ate my breakfeast.

Then i heard a ding in my phone.

I ignored it and finished my breakfeast.

"Bye guys see y'all after school" i said.

They waved bye and i went outside.

The school wasn't far from here so i decided to walk to school.

I took my phone out and checked the message.

From dad.

I opened it up and read it.

"What?" He replied.

"Its me,nick gave me your number" i replied and continued my walk to school.


Eventully i got to school.

"Woah" i said.

It was so big, it looked like a collage.


I read and saw a wolf behind it.

I walked in and went to the office.

"Hello" i said to the front lady.

"Oh hi how can i help you sir?" The lady spoke nicely.

"Hi im finn wolfhard im a new student here..and i was wondering were i can get my schedule." I tried to say not so fast.

"Ohh okay well im Ms. Ryder the vice principal. I'll get you your schedule finn" she said nicely and smiled.

She got up from her desk and went in a office.

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